Delt exercises

I would like to have more defined upper arms. My lower triceps are starting to emerge, but i would like to be able to see that line where the delts meet the tricep. What are some goo exercises for this?


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    So, you are wanting that nice "capped" look for the shoulders? Mine started to really show when I started doing standing overhead barbell presses, standing Arnold dumbbell presses, and side lateral raises. I'm sure there are many others, but that's mainly what I do on "shoulder" day at the gym.
  • 77Glen
    77Glen Posts: 4
    Superset front barbell shoulder press with DB side laterals 4 x 8-10 reps each
    Superset DB press with cable side laterals 4 x 12-15 reps each (dont drop the elbows below 90 degress in the press)
    Superset front alternate DB raises with bent over DB Flyes 4 x 10-15 each

    If you want your shoulders to pop a little more, do a 4 x 10 of slow shoulder shrugs, shoulders to ears, no rotating the shoulder

    go light and up the reps for cuts, heavier for size
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    where can we find how to do these exercises you suggest 77Glen? Not sure what these are.
  • grace42d
    grace42d Posts: 156 Member
    Thanks for the new exercise suggestions. I have followed the advice given on MFP and changed my 90% cardio / 10% weights routine to 75% weights / 25% cardio. I have also upped my protein significantly and I have finally started to see some changes!

    I a, now more motivated to try some new strength exercises and see what my body can evolve to.
  • Loftearmen
    Loftearmen Posts: 380
    When choosing a lift for any purpose it is important to keep your training efficiency high. You can only do so many exercises before you begin encroaching on your body's ability to recover so it makes sense to pick the ones that pack the most bang for the buck. For example, would it be more beneficial to do standing overhead barbell presses or seated db delt lateral raises? Obviously the OHP will pack on more muscle and burn your calories than the delt raises because you can use much, much, much more weight.

    cliffs: stick with basic, heavy barbell movements