Coming Back to MFP With PCOS



  • jennifergould528
    Hello All,

    I was diagnosed with PCOS about 6 monthes ago. After doing alot of research I have really become scared that I may never loose this weight. I have always been on the heavy side and just want to eliminate that from my life. I started a low carb diet and a exercise routine about a month ago. I am trying to stay under 75 carbs a day and working out weight trianing and swimming at least 3 days a week. I am still struggeling to loose any weight. I have only lost 5 lbs in the past month since starting the changes. I have found it to be incredibly hard to voice my concerns to my friends as many of them do not understand PCOS. And it seems they all have there own idea of what I should be doing. My goal is to loose 90lbs by the end of the year. I am very much wanting to try and concieve but have only had two periods the last year. My OB wants me to start on Pregesterone and Clomid and feels very positive that I will be able to concieve. I have yet to start the medication because I have heard the progesterone can cause weight gain :(. I am really wanting to be in better shape when I try to have a baby so that I can avoid any unnecessary complications.

    Some of the things I have tried supplement wise are the chromium and bee pollen. I have been told both can help with the blood sugar levels and aid in weight loss. I am terrified to try metformin due to the bad publicity that surrounds it. I am need of good support from other PCOS ladies. Any ideas that could aid in weight loss and better control of my sysmptoms would be a blessing at this point.
  • JessicaByrd13
    Hi everyone!
    My husband and I have been trying to conceive for over a year and a half with no luck. After lots of lab work and ultrasound and failed intrauterine inseminations and more blood and needles than I care to ever see again I've been diagnosed with unexplained infertility AND PCOS-- two bummers. My doctor said that since I was on birth control forever it suppressed some of my PCOS symptoms until I stopped and started trying to conceive. He put me on metformin several months ago before he 'officially' diagnosed me and I haven't really seen an improvement as far as it helping with weight loss. I'm currently at 283 lbs, only down 7 pounds and have over a hundred to lose. I was convinced I couldn't get pregnant because of my weight and now Ive basically been told. I've have a few friends that have PCOS and are pre-diabetic that have had success on victoza. My OB won't prescribe it to me while I'm TTC... So I don't know what to do now... Any suggestions? I'm all ears...or eyes rather ;)
  • sghcab051411
    sghcab051411 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello, I'm Samantha. I am 23 and have PCOS. I was diagnosed in 2008. I am currently 330ish and am looking to lose a lot of weight in order to get pregnant. I haven't been on BC in over 4 years and we haven't had any lucky yet. We are actively trying to get pregnant and I know the big thing is losing the weight. But PCOS just takes over and beats me up. I was doing so well here until I came down with a cold and drank a ton of orange juice, and orange jucie gives me a bladder infection everytime. So off track I went . I haven't managed to get back on but I am hoping to start. I would like to lose 100lb by next September for my best friends wedding and in hopes to have a baby or be pregnant by February 2015. I know I have a lot of work ahead of me. I am always looking for new people and looking for any help. Let's beat this!! Friend request me!
  • kaycma25
    kaycma25 Posts: 1
    Hi! my name is kayla and i was diagnosed in 2007 with PCOS. I was put on metformin and lost 65lbs, a year later the weight was back and my periods were gone again, just like doc told me that the met just stopped working as well and up'd my dose to 1000mg x2 a day....i was so frustrated, i also did three rounds of clomid before i was precribed the metformin and it was not successfull. so over the years since 2008ish ive been on and off of bc still taking the metformin and still very much overweight (257) but in the last four months ive lost about 30lbs and 7lbs of that was just in the last week and a half when i started my very low carb low sugar diet. I can not tell you how much better i have felt getting off the carbs and sugar aka (the crack) lol. My husband and i hoping to start trying after the summer and i hope my periods come back after i lose more weight. Back when i was 16yrs old and 170lbs, i was having normal periods and was tested for pcos and was neg....then i gained 110lbs in 2006 and was positive in 2007 for im very convinced that my weight is 98percent of my problem...This new plan that im doing is working better than anything ive done and ive done A LOT of different plans. I could use a few adds on mfp so feel free to add me! best of luck to all of us!!!!