Wii Fit weigh ins, everyday?!?

Ok my Wii keeps prompting me to weigh in everyday and I really don't think this is a good idea for me. My weight has fluctuated from 145 to 147 back down to 144 this week and I found it really discouraging to see it go up and down like that.

So what I am wondering is for those of you who have the Wii fit how often do you weigh in and does it still prompt you to all the time?


  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    Good Monday morning! I have Wii Fit and I weigh in once a week on it. I used to weigh in daily but I too found it discouraging. I prefer to see the graph with a consistant decline over 1 week periods :)
  • sazziecee
    sazziecee Posts: 143
    I just ignore the prompt

    I do a weigh-in/body test once a week or less
  • SylvieJacques
    SylvieJacques Posts: 113 Member

    I did not use the WII to weight myself. I was skipping that part and going to exercises right away. I want to weight myself with always the same scales so I don't have to deal with fluctuation from the scale as oppose to mine. Having said that, for me, I was weighting myself more than once a week as I wanted to have a peak on how I am doing but was recording my weight officially once a week only.
  • Pieater
    Pieater Posts: 40
    I weigh in with the Wii fit several times per week, however I don't record all of my weigh ins here. I also fluctuate a couple of pounds every day, but I ignore that as I've learned that its just how my body works. I try to weigh in once per week as my official weigh in for mfp. I also record significant decreases in my weight during the week if I maintain the same reduced weight for a couple of days. Keep in mind that your clothes will affect your weight. I try to use similar clothes (shorts and t shirt) every time I'm on my Wii. I've weighed my clothes a couple of times wig a food scale and found that on some days they weigh as mug as 8 lb (Carhart pants are very heavy but very durable for carpentry or yard work).

    Hope his helps
  • ZekeandKyliesMom
    ZekeandKyliesMom Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks all! I think I am just going to start ignoring it and designate saturday morning as my weigh in time. If you can do it a couple times a week thats great but if I do it I will become obsesive about it and thats not a good thing for me right now!