30 Day Shreddres - anyone out there?



  • SZY0006
    SZY0006 Posts: 23
    I just finished it last week. It's really hard at first (and when you switch into Level 2,) but I found that once I got to level three it was a cakewalk. I started doubling it up with Banish Fat Boost Metabolism every other day. It upped my endurance a ton, which is saying a lot, considering I hadn't worked out in over a year before starting the Shred. I can't believe how much better of shape I'm in now. I lost 6 pounds and a lot of inches all over. It's definitely worth sticking to! Keep up the work, guys! It's well worth the pain!
  • jmsharp1
    jmsharp1 Posts: 29
    Today is day 3 for me too! I've started and stopped and started again but after seeing all the awesome results I am making myself finish it! I get very bored with level 1 but hey its only 20 minutes we can do anything boring for just 20 minutes right??? Good luck!
  • clareyoung80
    clareyoung80 Posts: 177 Member
    How were people's endurance levels throughout doing the DVD?

    I say this only that I'm on day 7 and I'm still struggling! I have adapted the workout to suit me - I do jumping jacks and jump rope for all the cardio because I feel they're the most effective at getting me exhausted. I need to do wall pushups, and I do wall pushups for the chest flys (flies?) because there isn't enough space in my living room to stretch out like that. I still struggle with the...what are they called, the side lunge things where you lift the weights up to eye level, and I use my 1.5kg weights for that.

    Should I venture forward with level 2 when I get to day 11? (I know that ultimately I can use this DVD as I please, but still...) Is it essentially that you feel a sense of 'struggle' throughout the whole thing? Did you find your endurance kind of...jumped all of a sudden?
  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    Started last night! Was surprised to find it wasn't that bad. I mean, yes, it was tough, but I could do the whole thing and didn't have to cheat on anything! :)

    But usually I work out in the morning, but started it last night. Didn't do it today because it would have been only about 8 hours between and that seemed a bit short. So will do Day 2 tomorrow morning and keep up from there.
  • sabbyfairy
    sabbyfairy Posts: 53 Member
    I started (officially) today. I completed Day 1 Level 1 in full for the first time today after failing miserably and stopping halfway through yesterday. I felt like I was going to die by the strength part of the second circuit but I kept to it. Five pound weights suddenly feel like a mistake, though... my arms are like jello.
  • strickland8052
    strickland8052 Posts: 105 Member
    I finished level 2 about a month ago and then I got SOOOOO bored. Now I'm mixing it up with level 3 and some of her other videos (I get them off youtube) and jogging.
  • taytaylynn3
    taytaylynn3 Posts: 601
    Love the 30 day shred!!! I do it everyday between classes.
  • cassieoscar
    Im on Day 6 Level 1, have been missing a lot of days but that's due to gym classes so im still doing something. Starting the Killer bums & thighs along with the shred tonight so im really hoping for amazing results!!

    Im only using 1.5kg weights its all I have the strength part side lunges are killers I couldn't use any heavier weights! Level 2 I have the fear!
  • SZY0006
    SZY0006 Posts: 23
    How were people's endurance levels throughout doing the DVD?

    I say this only that I'm on day 7 and I'm still struggling! I have adapted the workout to suit me - I do jumping jacks and jump rope for all the cardio because I feel they're the most effective at getting me exhausted. I need to do wall pushups, and I do wall pushups for the chest flys (flies?) because there isn't enough space in my living room to stretch out like that. I still struggle with the...what are they called, the side lunge things where you lift the weights up to eye level, and I use my 1.5kg weights for that.

    Should I venture forward with level 2 when I get to day 11? (I know that ultimately I can use this DVD as I please, but still...) Is it essentially that you feel a sense of 'struggle' throughout the whole thing? Did you find your endurance kind of...jumped all of a sudden?

    Until I got to about D3L3, my endurance was like a roller coaster. On D5L1, I felt amazing. On D6L1, I thought I was gonna die. D4L2 may have been somewhat easy, but D5L2 would feel impossible. I have no idea why. Maybe I'd eaten better on the days when it was easier. Maybe I got more sleep. Who knows? My endurance really kicked in with Level 3. I'd finish and think: "That's it? I need to do something else!" For me, yes, it really was a jump. I have no idea why, but it was a nice surprise! Of course, your mileage may vary.
  • worldsbestauntie
    worldsbestauntie Posts: 280 Member
    How exactly do I record this under my exercise? It's both cardio and strength.
  • bekki84
    bekki84 Posts: 11
    Hey! I record it under circuit training as technically it is?

    I am now on Day 10 of Level 1! So due to start level 2 tomorrow (Hooray!) I have definitely noticed that my things feel harder which is a good sign. Looking forward to level 2 now!
    Think i need to incorporate more cardio in with it so i intend to start a bit of jogging/running next week.

    Unfortunately i played Xbox connect (very competitively) with my boyfriend (on Saturday Night!) and my arms have been in bits from that!!
  • worldsbestauntie
    worldsbestauntie Posts: 280 Member
    Thanks! I will do that tonight! :) I just wish there was more ab work with it as that's the area I need to be working on the most!
  • bekki84
    bekki84 Posts: 11
    Ok - starting level 2 today! Wish me luck! Im a bit confused now how to record this as surely level 2 will burn more than level one??Xxx
  • sabbyfairy
    sabbyfairy Posts: 53 Member
    Ok - starting level 2 today! Wish me luck! Im a bit confused now how to record this as surely level 2 will burn more than level one??Xxx

    I'd honestly say to record it the same. You're not really looking so much for calorie burn as strengthening your muscles with this, in my opinion.

    I'm on day 3 of level 1... Having to substitute Greek yogurt for two meals yesterday kind of threw me off on energy levels this morning (I couldn't even push through the first minute of the first strength circuit :sad: ) so I think I'm going to wait until later in the day when I have food in my system and try again.
  • corrsfan
    corrsfan Posts: 26
    How were people's endurance levels throughout doing the DVD?

    I say this only that I'm on day 7 and I'm still struggling! I have adapted the workout to suit me - I do jumping jacks and jump rope for all the cardio because I feel they're the most effective at getting me exhausted. I need to do wall pushups, and I do wall pushups for the chest flys (flies?) because there isn't enough space in my living room to stretch out like that. I still struggle with the...what are they called, the side lunge things where you lift the weights up to eye level, and I use my 1.5kg weights for that.

    Should I venture forward with level 2 when I get to day 11? (I know that ultimately I can use this DVD as I please, but still...) Is it essentially that you feel a sense of 'struggle' throughout the whole thing? Did you find your endurance kind of...jumped all of a sudden?

    Until I got to about D3L3, my endurance was like a roller coaster. On D5L1, I felt amazing. On D6L1, I thought I was gonna die. D4L2 may have been somewhat easy, but D5L2 would feel impossible. I have no idea why. Maybe I'd eaten better on the days when it was easier. Maybe I got more sleep. Who knows? My endurance really kicked in with Level 3. I'd finish and think: "That's it? I need to do something else!" For me, yes, it really was a jump. I have no idea why, but it was a nice surprise! Of course, your mileage may vary.

    That's interesting! I wonder why it happened that way for you. But I agree that generally, endurance does get better with each passing. I realized that the toughest day for me is Mondays i.e. the day after my rest day (Sunday). That Monday morning workout always feels like the first day again but from the next day onwards it's much better. I can definitely feel that I'm getting stronger even though the damn scale isn't moving so that's encouraging. One more day on Level 2 and I cannot wait to be done with it. I know Level 3 will be tough too but at least it doesn't have as many plank exercises.