Tummy Tucks... was it worth it?



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    TOPIC: Tummy Tucks... was it worth it?
    YES! Totally!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I have just started reading your post and the replies and don't understand why you were/are so defensive at some helpful replies? I did not read anyone lecturing your or belittling your amazing intelligence or education. Why so negative to perfect strangers?

    nobody's perfect. just sayin'.
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    I wish I had carried out my plans to get one. I spent my money on other things, and now I am not willing to get one because of my age (oh yes and i'm broke now). And yes I am quite vain and a tummy tuck is not life saving, but if a person can get one and wants one, more power to them and I'm jealous. I don't think anyone would go into any kind of surgery without doing their homework.
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    I had elective surgery - breast reduction - and it was the best thing I ever did. My breasts were huge, I had a lot of back and neck pain. It was so hard to work out and my neck would spasm afterwards.

    So yes, I knew there were potential risks to getting the surgery but my life was forever changed for the better afterward. Everyone needs to make their own decisions.

    BTW, my insurance company agreed with me and paid 80% of the costs.
  • FFfitgirl
    FFfitgirl Posts: 369 Member
    Do a search for tummy tucks on MFP. You will find some informative conversations. :)

    Below is a question I answered about 6 months ago on MFP....

    "I'm considering this treatment (tummy tuck) for myself but was wondering what it was like to have it done from a patient's perspective. Does anyone have any before and after pictures after their tummy tuck?"

    My answer....

    I am a mother of 5. My last 3 were triplets. I gained 100 lbs with their pregnancy. I was a mess. I had a full tummy tuck. They sewed up all my muscles and took off a ton of skin. I also had umbilical hernia. Everything look pretty awful. When the triplets were two we hired a nanny and I had the surgery. I will be honest....it was difficult for me. I had an easier time recoverying from 3 c-sections than I did the tummy tuck. BUT I am so glad that I had it done!! My stomach is very, very flat. My belly button looks very tiny and a little strange. The Dr. explained that it was because of the hernia. He couldn't do much to "save" it and make it look natural. But I don't wear bikinis so it's not important.

    I do not have any pictures to share. Sorry about that. If you get the surgery be sure to take it easy and block out a lot of time to recover!!

    The hernia repair was probably the cause for a lot of the pain.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I can certainly understand the defensiveness to some of the posts. Women in society today are given so many mixed messages. On the one hand we are expected to look like the fashion models and porn stars to get and keep our husbands, yet when we do what is necessary sometimes to look like that, we are criticized for being vain and not loving ourselves the way we are. Damned if we do, damned if we don't. Especially when it comes to elective surgery. When I was 30, after being very large busted my whole life and nursing 2 babies, my breasts looked like my 60 yr old mother's. I was going thru a very difficult end of my marriage as well, and my then husband was especially fond of the extra large breasted porn stars. After much research and consideration, I decided to have mine fixed. Perhaps it would help my marriage, but if that was doomed to failure, at least I wouldn't be entering the dating field feeling so insecure about my body. At only 30, I would never have felt comfortable being with another man looking like I did. I caught flack from some people about my decision, but most were supportive. My marriage ultimately ended anyway, for many other reasons, but I had one less reason to be afraid to be a single woman again. I made the decision that was best for me at the time, and I don't regret it.

    I have money set aside for any possible procedures that I may need once I lose the rest of the 80 pounds I have gained over the past 20 yrs. I definitely am having a breast reduction, as the third baby I had at 36, (REALLY was sure I was finished after the first 2), and the extra weight and age has taken their toll. And I may need a tummy tuck or arm lift. At almost 50, my skin has lost a lot of its elasticity over the years, and am afraid of looking worse after weight loss than before. So far the tummy doesn't look so bad. I'm not expected the flat stomach I had in my 20s, and if it continues to tighten up, then I may can get away without having anything done, but if the last 30 pounds coming up leave me with a lot of loose skin that leaves me horrified to look at myself in the mirror, then I will certainly consider having something done. I will wait probably for a year afterwards to allow my body to shrink as much as it can on its own, then assess the damage then. Not looking for perfection, and my now husband is supportive of any decision I make, and loves me no matter what I look like, so this decision would strictly be for my own desires.

    So, to the OP, do your research, which includes asking others about their experience with it, as you are doing in this thread. Give it time to see what your body can do on its own, then if you decide to go ahead with it, just prepare well for recover time, and make sure you have realistic expectations of the outcome of the surgery. You sound like a well educated and intelligent person, so you will make the decision that is right for you.
    Yes, there are possibly complications with any surgery. One complication of a back surgery I had, which was completely necessary to save the use of my legs, left me partially in a wheelchair for several years and with a life long spinal condition. So even 'necessary' surgeries have their risks. You just continue to do your homework and weigh the risks against the benefits, and try not to let negative comments offend you, but instead motivate you to make sure you are making the decision that is right for you. Best wishes to you.

    BTW, be 100% sure that you are finished having babies before you have it done. I was positive that I was finished and even had my tubes tied, then years later I remarried and we decided to have my tubes repaired to have our son. So if there is any possible chance that you will want more children, then you may want to hold off for a while.
  • Hodgie12345
    Hodgie12345 Posts: 51 Member
    Just do it. You will regret it otherwise - because you clearly want one and if you dont try you will never know. The whole point of getting all this weight off is to be fit and...loook good. I cant wait until I am slim and fit and am on the operating table ready to have my work done. I know some girls are thinking about it because of pregnancy, but its again all to do with looking good. **** anyone else who makes negative comments - they can lead thier own life not yours ! We have all found new life here - so use it ! Hodgie x
  • dmkirk28
    dmkirk28 Posts: 75 Member
    I had fraternal twins. My muscles were jacked up and when I started working out my insides would poke through and it was painful. I wanted a tummy tuck because I am vain and I wanted to have the sagging skin gone. It was the BEST thing I have ever done for myself. I have a huge scar but I don't see it and my husband LOVED the results. I am numb right around my belly button and it feels weird when touched but a small price to pay to look and feel good. It also didn't take away all of the stretch marks. I still have them on my hips. Having twins is no joke...I rocka bikini with no problem and my body is not perfect but it's mine.
  • MsipiGRITS
    MsipiGRITS Posts: 128 Member
    I am planning to have some plastic surgery(ies) sometime this year. I worked hard to get where I am with my weight, but I do have excess skin that, due to my age, will not "snap back" any more than it already has. So, the only way to fix it for both aesthetic and functional reasons is to have surgery.... I have been looking into it and, from what I have been told, the recovery can be pretty difficult depending on the person and their tolerance to surgery and pain. However, I already think it will be worth it and I think I deserve it!! ?This is a total gift to myself!!! So, I plan to go for it! Good luck to you too!!
  • horses7777
    horses7777 Posts: 165
    bump and thank you all who have shared their experiences.
  • MIM49
    MIM49 Posts: 255 Member
    I have not had one yet, but I plan on it once I reach my goal. I have a bunch of loose skin & an "apron". My sister lost a lot of weight--about 150 lbs. & she had surgery to get rid of her extra skin--full body lift (so the scar runs all around her torso), upper arms to get rid of the bat wings, & breast lift & reduction. She looks sooo great. It took her a couple of weeks to recover. She only needed someone to stay with her for 1 week to help out. She only took Tylenol for the pain. I think the drains were the worst part for her--she had so many of them since she did everything at once. She says it was definitely worth it & would do it again.

    Wow! That is a lot of surgery. Was it all done at the same time? Did insurance cover it? If not (do you mind my asking?) how much did it cost? In fact--for you others who have had or are contemplating a tummy tuck--did/does your insurance cover it and what is the approx cost (I know cost will vary)
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I have not had one yet, but I plan on it once I reach my goal. I have a bunch of loose skin & an "apron". My sister lost a lot of weight--about 150 lbs. & she had surgery to get rid of her extra skin--full body lift (so the scar runs all around her torso), upper arms to get rid of the bat wings, & breast lift & reduction. She looks sooo great. It took her a couple of weeks to recover. She only needed someone to stay with her for 1 week to help out. She only took Tylenol for the pain. I think the drains were the worst part for her--she had so many of them since she did everything at once. She says it was definitely worth it & would do it again.

    Wow! That is a lot of surgery. Was it all done at the same time? Did insurance cover it? If not (do you mind my asking?) how much did it cost? In fact--for you others who have had or are contemplating a tummy tuck--did/does your insurance cover it and what is the approx cost (I know cost will vary)

    She did have it all done at the same time so she wouldn't have to pay hospital/anesthesia costs again for another surgery. Insurance did not pay for any of it---not even the breast reduction which is ridiculous since it was totally necessary to reduce the load on her back. I don't know how much it ended up costing her. I feel like it was somewhere around $20K, but I'm not sure. My parents ended up helping her with the cost.
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    I always have concerns about people subjecting themselves to any surgery that is not absolutely necessary. Especially these days when hospital infection rates are up and bacteria are becoming antibiotic resistant.

    I don't think people realize how dangerous anesthesia itself it, either. Sure, lots of people have surgery and everything is fine and I am not suggesting for one minute that you avoid a surgery that is necessary for your health and well being. I am, however, suggesting you reconsider something done for vanity, especially if you have not exhausted all other possible options.

    Surgery always carries risks, some major. Ask yourself if you are willing to put your life in jeopardy for the sake of some loose skin.

    ya damn skippy I am!! in MY case, I have a massive pannis area... its not just about being vain ( though that is probably 75% of the reason)...its about not having skin infections and rashes causes by excessive skin...
  • cindylmanly
    cindylmanly Posts: 25 Member
    I had a tummy tuck and lipo on hips 8 days ago! I had to save a long time - and it was expensive. Here is my story so far... First off, I am 50 yrs young! In excellent health and finally at my ideal weight. I have been around my ideal weight for about 3 years (fluctuating occasionally -ESP after vacations!). I have had 2 c-sections in the past which left me with excess belly skin and this roll of skin hanging over my scar like a shelf. So, 8 days ago I finally did it! I was scared to death...and excited all at the same time. Surgery at 7am...home by noon. Up and walking around within a few hours. Now granted, I was pretty doped up. Lol. Here is what I will say. I'm 8 days in and feeling very impatient. I still have the drainage tubes in my belly (unexpected) which are making me crazy. I feel pretty good. Would love to get the heck outta this house more but feel confined bc of the drains/tubes. Hopefully they come out tomorrow. I only took my meds for the first 4 days. With one exception. I hated the way they made me feel but needed them for pain. The one exception was a sneezing spell I had day 6. I nearly passed out. Sneezing, coughing. BAD. I have to say that physically I've done very well. I was up and walking a lot the next day. Day 3 included lunch out and a short trip to target. Etc etc. My biggest obstacle is the fact that I can't really stand up fully straight ( slightly hunched) and the drains. Doc says the standing straight will get better every day as the muscles and skin relax and swelling goes down. Ahhh. The swelling. My tummy looks great. There is some slight swelling but not too bad. My sides are sore and my back is sore and the most swollen from the lipo. It was expected. But still annoying. I want to be well NOW! Lol. I had to sleep in the recliner the first 3 nights. Was just easier and most comfortable. The action of sitting and standing is still slightly painful but better every day. I have before, day 3, and day 7 pics if anyone wants to see them. And will keep anyone who is interested, posted on my progress. Like I said, my biggest problem is impatience! I'm an active girl and ready to be well and on to the next thing! Friend me and let me know if you want to see progress pics and or updates! Will answer any questions if I can! Cindy
  • jessicae1aine
    I have just started reading your post and the replies and don't understand why you were/are so defensive at some helpful replies? I did not read anyone lecturing your or belittling your amazing intelligence or education. Why so negative to perfect strangers?

    Agreed. I was thinking the same thing.

    Totally in with you two. Honestly makes me think negative things about the OP, because being that way was so very uncalled for. Someone was trying to be /helpful/ and make sure they were looking at all sides of it.
  • dragonflyjill
    dragonflyjill Posts: 94 Member
    Thanks to all who answered this question. So helpful and informative.
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    I am 39, had three every 2-3 years and my stomach was not in great shape. Muscles were loose, I had a pretty severe hernia after my first (9 pounds, 6 ounces), could not safely do situps for years because of repeat relaxation of those muscles and the risk of it protruding. After my pregnancies, I started bicycling, the weight fell off. I still had a slight stomach, a bit of overhang from excess skin, but I was down to probably 15% BF. At 39, my stomach does look better than it ever has, though I'm a bigger size. Things have adjusted more or less back into place and I'm working for a six pack. Whether I'll get it or not, I do not know. I have a two pack so far. But, I did have a three inch overhang at Christmas, and now, it's about 1/2". Time does heal a lot. And until then, thank God for tankinis and wide band slacks. LOL It does take time. If I had a lot of excess skin, I'd have some hard thinking to do.
  • redhd_n_nc
    redhd_n_nc Posts: 21 Member
    I had a tummy tuck 2 months ago and I love love love the results. I am excited to improve my figure more by exercising. I feel confident in all my clothes and love being naked. I could never say that before, even when I was thin. I can wear anything I want. Regarding the scar... my husband is the only one who sees me naked and I can tell you that he is not looking at my scar, but my new body. all my undies and bathing suit cover my scar and it really isn't that bad. SOOOO WORTH IT!

    Just my 2 cents.
  • tawanda6329
    tawanda6329 Posts: 139 Member

    I'm planning on getting one when I get to me goal weight. I'm a mom of twins and I can't stand looking at my stomach.
  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member
    I have an initial consult scheduled for Sept 16th with a very good plastic surgeon here in town to discuss fixing my stomach and giving me back my boobs that went missing at the same time.

    I can let you know what this doc has to say to me if anyone wants.