I got bored of tracking calories

I just got bored of logging everything I eat. I do follow the guidelines, I eat breakfast and pretty much the same lunch and similar dinner every day. I just dont feel like logging it. I am doing c25K and 30 day shred with Jillian but have not seen a single pound shift. My 7 month old is slowing weaning off of breast feeding, she likes her paci more than mommy's boobies, maybe I will start seeing some weight loss. I need so see some change to gain the motivation back.

Anyone else in the same boat as me.


  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    You need to track your calories to at least gauge whether you're eating too much or not enough. It would also help to know how long you've been at this and how often you exercise.

    Start logging again, and see where you're at in reality. Once you get back into an appropriate deficit to cause weight loss, you can go back again to not logging if that's your thing. There are too many variables in your scenario for anyone to give you any real, solid advice.
  • piggydog
    piggydog Posts: 322
    I logged for two months hard...and I got burned out... Throughout December I logged minimally and during January the first part anyway I didn't log at all... By that point I had a good idea what I was eating and how much of it I needed...

    When I stepped back on the scale I hadn't gained anything back and I was ready to go again..

    There is nothing wrong with a break but if you want to loose and you are not currently during your break you need to log because you are over eating...
  • lioness803
    lioness803 Posts: 325 Member
    When you stop breastfeeding, you'll probably need to eat less calories, because you don't have the little one taking nourishment from you anymore. You may have to try tracking again until you adjust to a new calorie goal.
  • cranium853
    cranium853 Posts: 138 Member
    Here's my advice, or lack thereof:

    Is doing it your way working for you? Because I see that you are at zero pounds lost. The reason to track is because we THINK we know what we ate but it adds up. And we store that addition on our thighs, in my case......
  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    I'd definitely go back to tracking and make sure you're at an appropriate deficit. If you had been giving yourself a full 500 extra calories for breastfeeding and she's weaning herself, you might want to reduce that to 350 extra calories.

    But, some people's bodies just hold on to that weight until baby is completely weaned.
  • shaleyn
    shaleyn Posts: 125 Member
    I got bored of brushing my teeth. But since I'm an adult and it's good for my health, I do it anyways.
  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    I don't know what you are looking for here, but I think it's silly for any of us to be expected to talk you into logging again, it's not like we get healthier by telling you. Obviously you felt guilty enough to post.
  • Ash_Diya
    Ash_Diya Posts: 36
    Thank you all, trying to get back in the wagon.
  • Believe it or not your body is a very meticulous and accurate bookkeeper. Every calorie you eat, and every calorie that is burned through exercise are carefully recorded. It is your choice to keep an accurate, factual record of your caloric intake in the form of a log. But your body like it or not is keeping track, and any extra calories are not going to be canceled out because you followed guidelines. Those calories will stick around as fat.

    Logging my calories really is a drag, even with all the tools from the Myfitnesspal website and mobile phone app. But for myself the only way I can keep myself from saying, "I'll just have a little more" is by keeping a record that is as accurate as the one my body is keeping. And when I've eaten all I should, I stop eating for the day. No matter what.

    Best of luck, but if your aren't seeing results with what you are doing now. Reconsider logging.
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    I couldn't loose anything when I was breastfeeding. Everyone was all, oh the weight will fall off when you breastfeed. Well, no it didn't. In fact it made my thighs very fat, apparently that's the place your body likes to store the fat for Breastmilk. (Though that is from my breastfeeding support person, I can't verify the fact of it) I started to loose weight after I stopped and am about 3 stone down now.

    I think when you stop you will see a shift in the scales again.
  • lyndzipage
    lyndzipage Posts: 26 Member
    I hear you. I have an 8 month old daughter. I stopped breast feeding at 4months as my milk supply started dry up. I have done the 30 day shred and other workout videos as well as elipitical 30mins a day. I gained 70lbs in my pregnancy I have about 40lbs still to lose. I found i losted the bulk right after the birth and the weeks that followed then NOTHING the scale would not move. No matter what I did or ate.
    I started drinking more water a glass before a meal and one during. That way I got a min of 6 glasses in a day with ease. Also maybe change up you diet eating the same thing everyday for lunch and dinner might not be helping. Maybe you body needs a change from the same routine... more greens? fruits? raw veggies? Maybe try once a week a jucie/smoothie day. Also switching from strengh training workouts and cardio helps. Yes the 30 day shred is great for that. Try doing that every other day and on you "other" days focus on specific areas you want to work on ie. abs, arms. on the floor with weights. There are great workouts out there simply using a chair to help. I have been doing this for a few weeks now and finally seeing someing i lost 2lbs in the last 3 weeks (better the 6 months of NOTHING) Hang in there it is a process. I know it can be hard I am right there with you stay positive.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    I had the same problem. But I feel that planning ahead makes it so much easier. I don't have to deal with logging calories every day, all throughout the day. PLUS I stay on track way easier when I plan ahead!

    I usually plan ahead a few days, even.