At goal for 1+ year, not happy with body



  • Sumr27
    Sumr27 Posts: 2
    Thank you everyone for your replies and kind words. Definitely need to learn to venture into the "scary" side of the gym more often. I was over there more often about three or four years ago.

    I just went digging around in my closet and found...Ta-da! The New Rules of Lifting for Women! I completely forgot I bought it about two years ago. I skimmed through it the first day and then it became closet treasure. I am going to go make lunch now and sit and read it.

    Any other advice or suggestions you can give me as I start on a new phase of my weight loss/maintenance journey?
  • Kellylicious01
    I don't post much but had to reply to you. Seriously, you sound exactly like me! I swear it's scary!

    I've lost 130 pounds on WW. Last year I had a lot of different issues going on personally and wounded gaining 30 pounds back. Now that I am back at goal I am noticing I am not happy with my definition so just last night I pulled out NROL for Women from my closet and started rereading it. And just like you, I love Jillian Michaels and have all of her DVDs (except the last two). I also have a few of Bob's. And I also have P90x but never did it. And I have a Fitbit.

    I'm planning on starting NROL this weekend if you'd like to join me! Just now I was on it's site. I am heading off to the gym now but when I get back I will be starting a profile over there as well.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    You need to start an actual strength/resistance program that is progressive. You're not going to substantially change body composition doing a bunch of cardio...even cardio with light weights. The only way to make substantial improvements in body composition is weight lifting (and no, you won't "bulk up")

    Look into the "New Rules of Lifting for Women" or Starting Strength or Strong Lifts or similar. Keep in mind that body re-composition doesn't happen takes a lot of work and a lot of don't look in the mirror after a couple months and just conclude that it's not working. body re-comp takes a long time and really, is always a work in progress.


    I was 105 pounds and unhappy with my isn't the weight on the scale. Now I'm 112 and much happier, in much better shape, and look much better in a bikini than I did when I was skinnier.

    Lift weights! It reshapes your body.

    Edited: I did a recomp and it took a solid 6-12 months.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    You have to lift some heavier weights! You'll gain muscle and lose fat!

    This. I've lost bf% and sizes, but actually stayed about the same weight. The scale hasn't moved but I look and feel a lot better :smile: