Back again for the second time!!!!

My first 33 years passed far too quick. I never thought I would ever be in the position I am today. At an admittedly robust 370 pounds, I have had enough. I decided that there is no way I will reach 400. I also have decided that I want to get some semblance of my glory days back.

I have not always been this "round". I never had a big problem with weight or losing from my early teens to my mid 20s. I was an avid athlete that played basketball competitvely until I was 25. I had girlfriends and lots of them. I had the want to spend time with friends and families out and about on the town. Now, I feel like I live to eat, instead of eating to live. I don't overeat or binge by any means. My problem is the sedentary kind. You know? The Monday-Friday desk jockey kind of problem. When all you do is sit on the job and then sit at home, even eating 3 square meals a day can be treacherous if you choose the wrong thing. Add in beers on the weekend on the couch watching sports..... and watch me grow, and not in the good way. LOL

It's time to take a stand. Take back some of my younger days. Time to feel better. Time to change my life. So many things hinge on our weight. I have taken time to notice the small things. Things that even the slightest changes can't see in the future. Things like bending over to tie your shoes. Cutting your toe nails. Sitting in a chair you hope doesn't give out on you. Sitting in a car comfortably. Walking the stairs without feeling like hell warmed over. Even the bigger things stand out more. Wanting to date someone. Wanting to get that new job. Wanting to go to a family wedding. Things that shame you for wanting when you get so big. But, these things are what we all want as human beings. It's time to put the bad food and sedentary lifestyle aside and make room for these things to return to their rightful place. Time to make these things what they were meant to be, that is, part of the human experience. It's time. It's time.

Anyway, my name is Erik. It is my time to start living. Time to get started on this journey. I am not sure how long the road will be, but I know I see the end in sight. Hopefully I make some friends along the way. I have lots to say and I am an open book. There isn't any question, subject, or conversation that I won't take part in. I don't get offended and I have no preconceived notions or hangups. Try chatting with me..... you'll see, I am a nice guy.

Friend me up for motivation and accountability. Or friendship... or whatever else. LOL

My posted picture is what I am trying to get back to (sans the ear rings) LOL

Greetings.... MFP community.