help with Energy Levels Failing during workouts...

Morning all!

So I am having issues with energy levels just crapping out on me - some mornings I am tired and I know that plays a part. But I also think part of it is going in on an empty stomach.

I do crossfit (LOVE IT!) but some mornings - 9 out of 10! - I can get wiped out from the warm up. Those mornings that I make it through the warmup, I almost never make it through the workout. WELL I DO, but I don't end up hitting all the rounds before the class is over because I am struggling so much. I have asthma, so I also find myself struggling for oxygen sometimes - though I think that is more from being out of shape than the astthma, as I take my inhaler prior to to prevent an attack.

I know part of it is stamina, but I can't help thinking if i were to eat something I might be able to get a more effective workout. problem is, the workouts are so intense, I need to make sure i do so pretty far in advance so that I don't end up puking. Since I do early mornings most days, that makes having bfast hard..

Does anyone have any suggestions? I mean, with the amout of weight i have to lose (about 75 or so lbs) you'd think i'd have PLENTY of energy stores to draw from, but I HATE running out of steam so early in my workouts. Help?

thank you!!


  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I can get away with eating an apple or bananna immediately before i work out.

    that doesn't sound like much but its 100% better then nothing.

    Could be a good oppurtunity for supplimentation. Any pre or post exercise drink would be pretty good. the post drinks are usually 1 part protein 4 parts sugar. it also makes a good before or during workout drink. not sure whats in the preworkout stuff but probably similair.

    i make my own, copied the ingredients from the beach body post workout drink, bought them in bulk to save money and dump them in the proper proportion into my whey powder. its a PIA at first and you need a scale to do it right but i've saved in the 100s at least.

    but my #1 suggestion is just a piece of fruit or toast, something that you can eat as little as 15 min before and is enough to get you through.

    or get up early and eat what you normally would for breakfast