how to calculate beach walk?

bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
i know i walked 3.2 miles in 68mins and my runkeeper app told me i had burned 408 calories based on my weight that i have inputted into that program but i know the resistance of the sand must count for more right???
i'll take the 408 calories burned but i wonder how the beach could/would be added in...

ps...this was one of my nicest walks...seriously gonna put it on the calendar for every sunday morning at 7ish...this week i went with a friend and she had a vent/therapy session and i just listened and offered up kind words, next time it might be me or even if i go alone it was sooooo therapeutic feeling the sand in my toes and the water lapping my feet and the breeze on my face and hearing the waves crashing around me...OHHHH yeah, definitely doing this again. :) thank goodness i live in south florida and it is available to me - what the hell have i been waiting for??? LOL



  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i'm still waiting for input from someone?????
    i did a 3.2 mile walk along the beach in 68 mins on sunday and dont know how to enter it....thoughts please?????
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    so i'm assuming since noone has replied to this either you dont know the answer or you dont care to lol...either way, i found something said because of the resistance of the sand you should calculate the calories burned by taking what a "regular" walk would be times 20-50% more depending on your intensity (firm sand, soft sand, etc i guess)
    so for the purpose of tracking my exercise, i took the calories my runkeeper program told me i burned based on my time and speed and multiplied by 1.35 to get an estimate for the beach walk...

    today i did 70 mins at like 2.75mph and my program told me i burned 389 calories - i multiplied that by 1.35 and got 525...
    that is what i entered for today's exercise...close enough....

    comments, suggestions, corrections always welcome...
  • Pattitude
    Pattitude Posts: 18 Member
    I am on a beach trip with my family right now and was wondering this exact same thing. I've actually been googling for the past hour on how to calculate beach calories, lol. Usually I go to the gym and get on the treadmill or the elliptical and just take the calories that the machine gives me based on my weight/height/intensity of the workout, as I don't have a HRM or a pedometer (need to get one). This morning I walked on the beach for an hour at a pace that I'm guess-timating was about 3 mph, and was wondering how to enter it in. I'm going to take your advice and take MFP's estimated calories for a 1 hour walk at 3 mph and multiply by 1.35. THANKS for the help!
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