How often to get weighed



  • scribega
    scribega Posts: 159 Member
    I do an official weigh in every 10 days - 10th, 20th and 30th of the month. I may way myself once or twice between then, but the official weigh in is every 10 days. Felt 10 days is a better fit for me. If I had a bad day then I don't feel like a shot my week.
  • sjr1016a
    sjr1016a Posts: 39 Member
    When I weighed myself everyday, it was really frustrating not to see results. Now I weigh myself every Monday morning before eating. This way if the results don't turn out like I want, I am not nearly as crushed but it also motivates me to add some time to my exercise or eliminate something that I am eating too much of.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,814 Member
    I weigh every Monday or Tuesday morning depending on which day I work. I go up to the same scale on the nursing unit before I check in for work.. When I go to the wellness center to work out I will weigh on that scale just to see how I am doing, But I only log the one I do the first part of the week and the same scale.
  • TLow97
    TLow97 Posts: 55
    My official weigh-ins happen Monday nights, after work, post-workout.

    I usually weigh myself every time I work out (4-6x/week) just to see how I'm progressing and to make sure I'm trending in the right direction.
  • georgiamarsh13
    I do it every Friday morning :)
  • Laurie5896
    Laurie5896 Posts: 29 Member
    I weigh in on Saturday first thing in the morning after I empty my bladder AND I stand on the scale with no clothes on whatsoever, this way the only one to blame for gaining is myself. LOL
  • platina416
    platina416 Posts: 5 Member
    Interesting! I weigh myself every day, posting losses when they happen (so mostly .5 increments). I find with depending on where I am in my menstrual cycle, I can completely go up 3 pounds overnight. So when this happens on the scale, I am OK to see it when it goes back down after it's all over.

    I believe in slow and steady wins the race, so as long as it keeps generally going down, I am ok with the minor fluctuations that happen.

    Oh and definitely post-toilet and naked!
  • Hike_higher
    Probably every other day
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Keep in mind that not all fluctuations will be due to your mass changing. Household scales are not particularly accurate; the spring tension changes with temperature and humidity and so on. Weigh something the weight of which does not change in the morning and then in the evening, and see if the readings are the same...
  • Diane4126111971
    Thankyou everyone who replied,I feel so much better,that there doesn't seem a right or wrong way to do it,everyone seems to do it to suit their own personal goals,and during the week that suits them the most.....It does seem that first thing on a morning is the most popular time,whichever way you do it......I love that you all are so positive about it to,twice a week seems to suit me,because I can see the progress,or not lol,every week,and it doesn't seem too obsessive,so I will try to stick to that,but focus on a morning weigh in,with just underwear,and see how that goes..... :) Good luck to all of you in reaching your own personal goals,stay strong,and stay motivated,it really does pay off xxxx
  • caitipa
    caitipa Posts: 11
    I weigh myself once a week. I think if I weighed myself daily, I would be discouraged. One's weight could fluctuate 5 lbs in one day!
  • Angeldach
    Angeldach Posts: 56
    I am currently doing the 30 Day Shred, so I weigh myself and take measurements every 10 days.
  • Prisme
    Prisme Posts: 65 Member
    I don't own a scale. Weigh myself at the gym about every 3 months or so. They have the water/fat/weight scale so I have the trainer weigh me on that.