Vintage/Retro style



  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    ^^10/10 would "pinup" \m/

    FINE!!!!! \m/

    MUCH BETTER. this 9/10 business won't fly, jackpot ;) hahah.
  • margieward82
    margieward82 Posts: 406 Member
    We are big rockabilly fans, we go to VLV each year and hit the local shows when we can. My husband rocks the pompador daily, but I only do my hair when we go out. I simply don't have the time (I start work at 7am and have a 3 year old daughter that I am responsible for getting up and off to day care each day).
    I have tried and tried and tried to do vicotry rolls many times, but couldn't get it down. There's tons of tutorials, but it really just takes practice. I use combs a lot to give myself a super easy vintage style.
  • sbbhbm
    sbbhbm Posts: 1,312 Member
    I've been contemplating switching up my look to this. I think I can pull it off, but I just chopped my hair so I may have screwed myself.
  • RoseDarrett
    RoseDarrett Posts: 355 Member
    any vintage gals here? i had a pinup photo shoot on friday because i love love love the style so much :) i'm trying to learn how to do victory rolls...but it's freaking hard. any experts in here? share your style!


    OMG!!You're freaking gorgeous!!So beautiful!!I'm into the vintage style,the 40's and 50's.I have vintage inspired dresses but I'm hopeless with my hair and there's so much of it too!!

    Just wanted to say how beautiful you are!!I
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    any vintage gals here? i had a pinup photo shoot on friday because i love love love the style so much :) i'm trying to learn how to do victory rolls...but it's freaking hard. any experts in here? share your style!


    OMG!!You're freaking gorgeous!!So beautiful!!I'm into the vintage style,the 40's and 50's.I have vintage inspired dresses but I'm hopeless with my hair and there's so much of it too!!

    Just wanted to say how beautiful you are!!I

    THANK YOU SO MUCH :) go on youtube and check out "the cherry dollface." she's a modern pinup model--heavily inked but adorable and beautiful and does a lot of hair and makeup tutorials. even though i'm no pro, i've already learned a few things.

    also, BIG shout out to the gorgeous @usmcmp!!

    BEAUTIFUL!!! ^

    and of course, @misskerouac!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    I love it and hope to indulge when I lose more weight. I visit once and awhile.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    OP~ I love the cupcake corset! Who's the maker?

    Oh and on subject, I've been emulating 30's/40's/50's movie stars since I was a preteen.
  • fufi04
    fufi04 Posts: 471 Member
    Having a vintage photo shoot is on my bucket list!!! When I get closer to my goal ,I'm doing it!! (:
    Beautiful pic btw!
  • JacquiMayCrook
    JacquiMayCrook Posts: 308 Member
    I ADORE everything art deco, and love the style. So classy and sexy! I hope one day to be able to get into my wiggle dress and wear it with pride! xx
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    shall we resurrect this zombie thread?

    i try and am always unsuccessful with victory rolls...or any tip of pin curl. anyone wanna do a tutorial?
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member

    That's the one I like the best. :D
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member

    That's the one I like the best. :D

    thank yoU! i love cherry dollface. she makes it look so easy. but then when i try.... :ohwell: :embarassed: :sad:
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member

    That's the one I like the best. :D

    thank yoU! i love cherry dollface. she makes it look so easy. but then when i try.... :ohwell: :embarassed: :sad:

    I didn't get it to work for me until I'd tried it times maybe. It's so hard to do!!!
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    I LOVE everything vintage! i would love to do the hair but with the 6 kids I don't have the time :(
    The clothes are amazing! So sophisticated and classy with oh so much sex appeal. The pinnacle of femininity as far as I'm concerned
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    any vintage gals here? i had a pinup photo shoot on friday because i love love love the style so much :) i'm trying to learn how to do victory rolls...but it's freaking hard. any experts in here? share your style!


    I've seen your photos...where did you have them done? It would be fun to find a similar studio in the Pittsburgh area.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    any vintage gals here? i had a pinup photo shoot on friday because i love love love the style so much :) i'm trying to learn how to do victory rolls...but it's freaking hard. any experts in here? share your style!


    I've seen your photos...where did you have them done? It would be fun to find a similar studio in the Pittsburgh area.

    thank you SO much! i went to a place called in baltimore, md. how far is baltimore from pgh?
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Hi! :):)

    Victory rolls take practice. Lots of practice. I find that they also don't work so well on freshly washed hair. If I need them for Friday, I'll wash my hair Thursday and use a shower cap Friday. I don't normally use "product" on non-roll days, so the hair on Friday has some natural oils to it, but isn't gross.

    Tricks I've learned:
    - Practice, practice, practice.
    - Get a hand-held mirror to check the back and sides.
    - Youtube videos help a LOT.
    - Use a curling iron to help the hair a bit.
    - Cross your pins in an "x" if you can. Makes them more stable.
    - Rat-tail comb helps. :)
    - Experiment to see what the minimum amount of hair is you can use. More hair = more to pin. Less hair = more lift
    - Experiment with putting the curls in different spots, based on your natural part
    *Some days are big bouf in the front. Others are two small rolls on the sides.
    *Some days are one huge roll on the side and the rest of the hair pulled in a ponytail on the other side'
    - Hit the dollar store for silk flowers on hair clips. Cute flowers make flawed rolls less flawed. ;)
    * Buying them is sometimes cheaper than making them. I have a cute one with feathers and glitter that I paid $1 for.
    * Or make your own
    * Or just pin fake silk flowers in.
    * Hibiscus, clusters of small orchids, clusters of mini-carnations, sometimes lilies, and stephanatis have done right by me.

    I don't use the lil foam rolls. Just a modified pin curl that I put into the roll. :)

    Yay! Glad to see others on here who love this as much as I do. :)
  • kikionna4
    kikionna4 Posts: 308
    Gahhhh! I LOVE vintage/retro style! Especially the 20s, 30s & the 50s. I have a board on my Pinterest that's named "my wishful style" lol. Pretty much filled with that stuff. I'm huge into Retro dresses. I just ordered a black with white polka dot dress and I'm so stoked for it to get here! As I lose more weight and inches I get giddy because I will be able to wear super awesome clothes like that.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    thank you, @syntonic!!! super duper helpful :)

    @kiki: i love and for retro styles :) if i could afford dresses from, i totally would buy one!
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    any vintage gals here? i had a pinup photo shoot on friday because i love love love the style so much :) i'm trying to learn how to do victory rolls...but it's freaking hard. any experts in here? share your style!


    I've seen your photos...where did you have them done? It would be fun to find a similar studio in the Pittsburgh area.

    thank you SO much! i went to a place called in baltimore, md. how far is baltimore from pgh?

    From my experience, Baltimore to Pgh is a bit of a haul. There appear to be pinup groups and photographers in the Pgh area though. :)