This is not the time to be trying to lose weight.....

I'm 8 months pregnant and have a 9 month old baby along with a 3 yr old, i know I have a valid reason to not be actively losing weight but it's killing me. After my second baby last June(second c-section) I was done having babies, got an IUD and got serious about losing weight. I was obsessed with MFP for about a month. Then I suddenly became very ill and thought I was having a bad reaction to my IUD only to find out I was 2 months pregnant!!! My babies will be 11 months apart.

I live in guilt everyday, all the food choices i make drive me insane, the fact that i don't have the energy to go for walks everyday or clean the entire house makes me depressed....

I'm such a complainer i know, its annoying. I just want to have this baby so i can heal and start doing some serious working out.

anyone else been in these shoes? any advice? how do i keep it from driving me nuts for another 6 weeks :-(


  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    breathe...pray....embrace...be grateful what your little ones.....and give yourself a break. baby steps.....no pun intended......the best thing to do is be ok with you.....and not be mad at where you are, be grateful.....and change your attitude.....3 little ones are a blessing....sleepless nights and a few pounds will fade slowly.....
  • JenniCali1000
    JenniCali1000 Posts: 646 Member
    Oh jeez, mama. Honestly, I know how you feel. When I got preggo with #2, I was in great shape, running 5 days a week, enjoying my good health and feeling GREAT! I got pregnant really quick, so it was a little unexpected. At first, I thought hey, I can handle this whole eating and exercising thing while pregnant! Well as soon as morning sickness hit and I found out the only thing that helped me was eating a ridiculous high carb diet, I gained weight like crazy. I ran into the first couple months of the pregnancy, but after month 2, I had to reduce it to walking. Throughout most of the pregnancy, I walked 4-5 days a week. I gained a total of 50 lb while pregnant. It was slightly depressing. I know it sounds selfish, but I just wanted my body back! It was tough on me emotionally. I thought I'll never get back to the shape I was in.

    BUT here I am, 17 mo postpartum, and I'm finally getting back to feeling great and losing the weight. Just make sure you're eating
    when you're hungry, make the best possible healthy choices you can, and try not to feel guilty about any of it! You don't need that extra stress! And when your little one arrives, get a good
    double jog stroller and hit the pavement ;)