Mental blocks skfASDfasf

I'm having really bad mental blocks and I'm being all negative and poo-y.
One of the dogs is sick and was vomitting all night, so I never got a good sleep.
I didn't do my run because said dog needed to be cared for and stuff.
I'm leaving to Georgia in 2 weeks for 2 weeks. I'm really bad about leaving my dogs. Last year I went to California for a week and could NOT relax at all, was in a constant state of stress, crying every night, etc. Two of my dogs are show dogs, one is a protection dog and one is my agility prospect, they are my life and I just can't trust anyone doing things ~the right way~. A guy attacked me 2 years ago (when I had my dogs!) so I'm scared to go anywhere alone. I'm paranoid, anxious, whiny, blahblah.

Plus I'm in my senior year of high school, I'm in 4 AP classes with testing all next week, graduate in 43 freaking days and have no idea wtf is going on.

All of this stupid worrying is prohibiting me from running, sleeping, studying.. kdhgkdsgdkf
AND I ate like a pig all morning. =___= 1,700 cals and its only 1pm.
