Canadian Texting/Accountability Buddy!

Hey all -

I'm looking for somebody (or a few somebodies) from Canada to be accountability/congratulations buddies! It definitely goes both ways, like if you're staring at a chocolate muffin - a simple stay strong! etc. Canuck reason being it costs extra to text internationally, and I don't have a data plan so if I'm without wifi I can't send a message via MFP. We don't have to exchange numbers right away - can send a few messages back and forth on here first to make sure we're not creepy weirdos :P

About me: 23 year-old F from alberta, working on lifestyle changes. I like food, and it likes me - so much that it wants to cling to me all over ;) Only looking for platonic messages, so please respect, and I'll do the same! Let's motivate each other :D
