Shredded Turkey 'salad'

whatthedeuce23 Posts: 63 Member
Hey! Just tried this today, and it's SO good!

What you need:

Boneless/Skinless Turkey (or Chicken) breasts - 4oz
Compliments Tzatziki - (or any tzatziki, but I like theirs because it's the lowest sodium/cals I could find)
Lemon Juice
1 tsp olive oil.
Frying pan with a lid

1) Pound the breasts to about 1/2" thick.
2) Heat frying pan on med/high heat, put the olive oil in the pan beforehand, and use a paper towel or something to coat the bottom - you don't need the whole amount.
3) Place the breasts in the pan (sizzle sizzle :P) After a minute turn them over, put the lid on and reduce the heat to low. Set a timer for 10 mins. At the end of the timer, remove the pan from the heat, but LEAVE THE LID ON, this is very important - for another 10 mins.
4) Remove the meat from the pan and let it cool on a plate/ in a bowl, until it's cool enough to handle.
5) When cooled, shred it. I chopped mine afterwards so they were in more bite-sized pieces, but is up to you.
6) For every 4oz of meat, use one serving (30g/2T) of tzatziki, lemon juice (to taste - I used about 1/4 of a lemon), and mix.
Voila! Yummy.

Note: I made just one serving, so I didn't have to worry about measuring it out afterwards, but you could separate it however you wish..eyeball it, weigh it out, etc. I've also made this using canned tuna, but this recipe turned out such moist meat that I'll be using it again and again! Enjoy!
