Just starting the pill and side effects.

I am going to start the pill. I went to the doctor yesterday and got it and just waiting for my next period before I start taking it. But there's a couple questions that I have been thinking about today, I suppose they aren't so important that I should go back to my doctor and ask, just curiosity mainly.

I am due to go on holiday the end of May, 6 weeks away, and obviously don't want to have my period or any problems/side effects then.

When you girls first went on the pill, was your period normal? The doctor did mention that I could have spotting/light bleeding for the first while but how much would this be? I just saw some thing on Google saying how some girls when they first went on the pill had weeks long bleeding etc.
Also, because I am just starting should I get my period in my 7 day break, even the first time or could this take a while to regulate? I'm unsure when my period will be coming as its a little irregular so I'm scared that I'll have my seven day break on the holiday and get my period then.

And then just wondering about the side effects, mainly weight gain and water retention. Doctor and nurse said that it can cause cravings which if you give in that's the only thing that causes weight gain and then on top of that can cause water retention. And on the holiday I want to be able to be comfortable and not look swollen from holding water or have any extra weight, I want to loose it infact.

Oh and the pill I'm going on is Leonore, which the doctor said is the same thing as Microlite. So any experience about this pill would be great.