Morning or Evening - When Do You Workout



  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Mornings before work.

    Never used to be a big morning person but that changed pretty quickly (surprisingly quickly actually!)

    I like feeling fresh when hitting the gym, not having already been up for 8-12 hours and spent a good portion of my energy on other activities. I also love that my gym is a lot quieter in the morning compared to after work so I can get it, do what I want and not have to wait for a bench or rack etc.

    A good morning workout also really sets my mood for the day. I feel alert, energetic and generally a lot happier. Thank you endorphins!
  • cogsblogs23
    Around 9am, as I've either taken my son to kindy or that's when I can book him into the creche at the gym - unless I"m working, which then will be around 4pm. I hate working out in the evening...
  • HilDawg31019
    HilDawg31019 Posts: 25 Member
    I work out early morning and evening, good jump start for the day and then a nice getaway at night!
  • cutie_patootie
    Evening - post work workout basically. I usually finish my workout an hour or half-an-hour before dinner and pray that the my dinner is burning off rather than settling in.

    I have had insomnia for years and so I'm usually get very tired (and grumpy) if I have to work out in the morning (though I have tried doing so in the past).
  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    Mid day seems to be my sweet spot at the moment because it works with my schedule as well as allowing more body to utilise the morning energy and not putting it to waste
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 424 Member
    6 am M-F .... weekends are usually a mid day hike
  • brit_ks_89
    brit_ks_89 Posts: 433 Member
    morning 3pm-6pmish - AND ITS MY MORNING CAUSE WORK GRAVE!
  • JPal5
    JPal5 Posts: 178
    I cycle to work and back everyday, Gym workout on my lunch break. Then do a evening bootcamp class after work three times a week. I cant do mornings. They are not my friends.
  • LilyGrey
    LilyGrey Posts: 18
    I am currently out of work (due to mostly non-physical disabilities - excluding fibromyalgia) so I actually work out throughout the day, doing short, highly intense workouts (when I am not too ill to do anything). I also have horrible insomnia so I often find myself at least on the stationary bike or doing Pilates or Yoga at the early 2-3ams.

    I think I actually prefer to workout in the evenings rather than first thing in the morning. The insomnia and early morning workouts mean that I just do not work quite as hard as I just do not have the energy!
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member

    20 mins before breakfast, then 30-50 minutes early evening (5pm). PLus a short (20 min) walk mid-day, and walk to and from work.
  • Vercidlo
    Vercidlo Posts: 12
    It depends...When I have time, I go for a run in the morning...but most of the time, I workout in the evening. It´s better for me as it is not that hot outside.