Has anyone lost inches, but not pounds with 30DS?

Hi All,

I've just finished level 2, day 4 of the 30DS. I am totally fine with my current weight (I am 5 ft 6.5 in and weigh 120 lbs). But I have extra fat, particularly in my lower stomach and love handles that I am not at all fond of. If possible, I'd like to stay the same weight but lose a few inches in that area, as well as hopefully getting some definition in my arms. My limbs are pretty skinny so I don't think it's likely I'll lose inches there.

Seeing everyone's results motivates me to keep going. I'm wondering if anyone has been able to drop inches anywhere on their body while maintaining their weight. If so, did you eat at a calorie deficit, or maintenance? Did you do other exercise? I recently took up jogging 3 to 4 times per week. Not really doing C25k just trying to go a bit farther each week, currently up to 2.3 mi at a time. I am increasing slowly to avoid injury.
