Is anybody familiar with the hasfit website??? www.hasfit.com? I recently found out about it and yesterday I started the Warrior 90 Day workout routine. I'm so pumped up! Can't wait to show you guys my results. I really recommend this website since they have all kinds of exercises, it's very organized and best of all IT'S FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • pcdoctor01
    pcdoctor01 Posts: 389 Member
    I lost my first 8lbs doing HASfit. I haven't done the 90 Day Warrior though. I made a customized plan that I call the HASfit Warrior Workout. I lost the other 4lbs doing BeFit in 90 (It's free too). Someone mentioned this on one of HASfit's YouTube page or HASfit.com webpage. Why aren't you doing workouts at the gym anymore. I prefer when coach worked out at the gym versus at his house. I prefer the gym being the background in the videos.
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    Oh yes, luuuurrrrvvvvee hasfit.com, such fantastic workouts that guarentee to leave you knowing you've worked out.