Teen Mom Fans?



  • diddyk
    diddyk Posts: 269 Member
    Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 are a guilty pleasure of mine. A train wreck and I can't look away.

    I think Jenelle has had plenty of chances and has blown it repeatedly. But she has also been diagnosed as bi-polar, which complicates things. Mental health issues are nothing to scoff at. I really hope she gets proper help.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    I remember when MTV lived up to it's name: MUSIC televsion.
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    Well she just got arrested again for possession of heroin and domestic assault.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I don't feel bad for her


    I have no idea, with a mom like hers, how ANYONE would turn out well adjusted coming out of that house
  • aminakhan1980
    aminakhan1980 Posts: 105 Member
    I've never felt and never will feel bad for her. She has never made Jace her priority and that poor kid is going to grow up and turn out worse than she is. She is sick and her mom is sick. Jenelle needs to grow the fu*% up and get herself together. Maybe now she will spend a few years in jail and fix her damn self. Doubt it though.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    I absolutely hate that show for the way it portrays teen moms. Seriously, the fact that people actually watch it explains why this country is going down the ****ter. I was 19 when I got pregnant so I have been there but young women watch that show and don't even get a grasp of what having a child is like. And dumbass high-school girls don't realize that if they get knocked up they will have limitless money paying for their bills and housing.

    I seriously cannot wait for the day MTV goes away.

    My mom had all three of her children before she was 21--she admits she didn't make the wisest decisions, but she wouldn't trade us for anything (I hope! lol) She has been known to watch the show, and every time she does she just gets so mad, because she thinks it paints a picture that if you're a teenaged mother, you can just pass your kids off on your own parents so you can go do drugs or make a porno or go to a concert. She says that it doesn't portray the actual hard parts about being a teen mom and it glorifies young pregnancy and gives the impression that if you get pregnant at 16, 17, 18 years old, you'll just get your own TV show. I tend to agree, but I am not a mother. I would be interested to hear your thought on this! :)
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    I don't feel bad for her


    I have no idea, with a mom like hers, how ANYONE would turn out well adjusted coming out of that house

    I agree! They are both horrible. I feel SO BAD for Jace. Jenelle is a piece of trash. She is ungrateful and stupid. Keiffer is bad news and she just keeps going back to him. The whole show is a train wreck that I can't stop watching, LOL!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I absolutely hate that show for the way it portrays teen moms. Seriously, the fact that people actually watch it explains why this country is going down the ****ter. I was 19 when I got pregnant so I have been there but young women watch that show and don't even get a grasp of what having a child is like. And dumbass high-school girls don't realize that if they get knocked up they will have limitless money paying for their bills and housing.

    I seriously cannot wait for the day MTV goes away.

    My mom had all three of her children before she was 21--she admits she didn't make the wisest decisions, but she wouldn't trade us for anything (I hope! lol) She has been known to watch the show, and every time she does she just gets so mad, because she thinks it paints a picture that if you're a teenaged mother, you can just pass your kids off on your own parents so you can go do drugs or make a porno or go to a concert. She says that it doesn't portray the actual hard parts about being a teen mom and it glorifies young pregnancy and gives the impression that if you get pregnant at 16, 17, 18 years old, you'll just get your own TV show. I tend to agree, but I am not a mother. I would be interested to hear your thought on this! :)

    Yes I absolutely agree with your mom. I think that it makes the life look much, more glamorous or entertaining, and thus taking some of the seriousness away from actually going through it all.

    My parents were not happy when I got pregnant. They came to the hospital for a short amount of time and maybe talked to me once a month during the pregnancy. It was horrible, I was alone the whole time and very sad. While in the hospital, I sat there alone with my new baby for 3 days, the only visitors being family who stopped in for 5 minutes. My life has been a struggle ever since. But I will say that I work harder than ever for things now. I have an amazing bf, a close relationship with my parents who adore their grandson, almost own my 4 year old car and just put an offer on a house at the age of 25. I am pretty pleased with where my life is now. But i didn't get there by having some company pay me to be on camera... No new clothes, no cool phone, going out and partying all the time OR sitting around my house. I work for it all.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I used to watch it and like it (kind of in that trashy way lol) but it's just ridiculous now. Teen Mom (the first one) wasn't as bad but Teen Mom 2 is just a heaping pile of trash. Those girls are worse than the first set. And all the ones I liked are just horrible now (like Maci from TM1, seemed like a good girl, was portrayed usually pretty good but outside of the show all you ever read was about her partying, getting drunk as f*** almost every night, etc) Leah is just ridiculous. Used to like her but now..........2nd marriage, 3rd baby and she's only 20 or 21? And her attitude is so annoying ("The only reason I cheated on Corey the week (which was actually the night before) before our wedding was because I wasn't ready, but with Jeremy I know I'm ready"). Jenelle is a trainwreck (though people telling her to kill herself and whatnot is overkill here but she seriously needs rehab...and no tv show following her around)...Kailyn...used to like her but her attitude is sort of annoying now. Chelsea...hmm...she's okay. Was annoying as hell but she is slowly maturing but still annoying 60% of the time. lol

    But, besides what I already know, I rarely watch it now but sometimes check blogs to see the dirty stuff on them. haha I always watched it as mindless tv too.

    As for it portraying teen parenthood...hahaha! It's a joke. The whole show...is a joke... When they were all on 16 & Pregnant, sure, it was a fairly decent portrayal of teen pregnant and parenthood but once that first cheque comes then it's not. First season of Teen Mom was not as bad because they didn't have much of that money but once you get to the second season and so on they have SO MUCH fricken money from the show that it's just stupid. And of course they have to pretend like they're poor as s*** so it looked so stupid. I get the idea of going from 16 & Pregnant to Teen Mom. Of course everybody wants to see where these girls end up but what would've been much better is the episode of 16&P, then a catch up episode when the kid is a year old or so and then another one at 5 maybe and just follow them around for a week or so, have them talk about what's up with their lives or whatever and that's all. They won't be stupid rich from 5 seasons of a "reality" tv show.

    And they tend to pick mostly trashy trainwrecks for Teen mom. A lot of the teen moms who have had successful relationships with the baby daddy (or without him) and have jobs, school, their own place, etc,etc are ones who just did their 16&P episode then went on with their lives.

    Basically, the show is a trainwreck and not a good portrayal of teen parenthood. It USED to be good mindless, trashy TV but now these TM2 girls are sooooooo annoying that I can't even stand to watch the show for trashy entertainment...lol
  • JusticeGirl25
    JusticeGirl25 Posts: 703 Member
    I watched one episode and couldn't really take it any more. Feel bad for ANY mom that has a kid before they graduated high school.
  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
    I also watch it religiously. Jenelle will never change and it made me laugh in the last episode that she actually thinks she can get her son back. Ya right. Doing heroin and hanging around people like kieffer are REALLY going o help!

    What a joke!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Nothing to be proud of being a teen mum & I see it as exploitation. I was a mum at 18, at least I was a legal adult. But I remember when I was 16 & pregnant.....holy crap...I don't know how I would have coped. Like I said, nothing to be proud of, but hey if they want to promote having children younger for money (wait that's what the baby bonus here in Australia is.... money to have kids) then who am I to care. Not my life, or my kids life they are playing with.
  • mummyzena
    mummyzena Posts: 259 Member
    LOVE teen mom just peeved that I read this thread and had spoiler alerts... The UK is so far behind.
    Cannot stand jenelle or her tantrums, guess I just can't relate cos I have zero tolerance when it comes to drug usage.xx
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Nothing to be proud of being a teen mum & I see it as exploitation. I was a mum at 18, at least I was a legal adult. But I remember when I was 16 & pregnant.....holy crap...I don't know how I would have coped. Like I said, nothing to be proud of, but hey if they want to promote having children younger for money (wait that's what the baby bonus here in Australia is.... money to have kids) then who am I to care. Not my life, or my kids life they are playing with.

    I agree. I would MUCH rather see a show that follows girls who make the other two choices when it comes to an unplanned pregnancy......but that's just me.