2 lbs could make a big difference for me right now!

I've been back on MFP for 3 weeks now (after a 6-8 month break...with very bad results, but that's another story). The first week I lost 3 lbs. The second week I gained 1.2 lbs. The third week ended with me back down 0.8. For a total now of 2.6 lbs. in 3 weeks. I am 2 lbs away from breaking a 10 lb. marker (out of the 170s and in the 160s) and as we all know breaking through one of those barriers is more than just the couple pounds it takes. It is very empowering mentally. I really need this two pounds. I don't feel I've been doing well since that first week and I'm having a hard time keeping myself motivated. I think being in the 160s would be a big boost for me, and I don't want it to be 2-3 more weeks to do it. I have about 47lbs to go, less than a lb. a week is of course better than nothing but I'd really like for it to be more.

Anyone else about to break a barrier?


  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    :happy: I just broke into the 180's. It has been a long time. When I started my weightloss journey here a couple of weeks ago, I couldn't get away from 196. For me to the 189 has been fabulous. It shows that I am totally commited to this journey. My next barrier will be the 170's.:happy:

    Good luck. I know you can do it.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I know the feeling. I've been dancing between 183 and 182 now for a week and I really just want to get into the 170s! I'm pretty sure I was like 17 the last time I saw 170s. I'm hoping that starting the 30 Day Shred last week will help pick up the weight loss, and I've been playing with calorie intake. I'm crossing my fingers that the scale starts dropping soon. Best of luck, you'll get there soon!
  • minilawyer
    minilawyer Posts: 14 Member
    My last weigh-in was 200.2! So close to the 100s, yet so far! I haven't been under 200 in 10 years or so. Hopefully, today will be the day!
  • sweetrevenge
    sweetrevenge Posts: 188
    Oh yeah, I know exactly how you feel. When I first started I was at 238 then I went up to 242 in the first two weeksbut have been dropping weight ever since. I am down 11 pounds and just hit 230.0 today after not losing anything for like 4 days. I decided to try to jump start some weight lose by doing an almost 700 calorie burn excercise and not eating my exercise calories....It worked and I finally went from 232 to 230. Now I am so excited about seeing the scale drop to 229. I want out of the 230's SO bad and I know that will give me tons of motivation. I totally get where your coming from...Just keep pushing along. Good Luck!
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    Good luck to all of you who are like me and on the verge of breaking that barrier! And for those who recently have congratulations! I hope that motivation carries you through the next 10 lbs!

    00trayn, I used to do the 30 day shred (last year before my 6-8 month break when I lost 21lbs) It was tough but the fact that it was only 20 minutes I felt like "I can last 20 minutes, then it's over!" I usually did it first thing in the morning and then felt great all day. Some days that was all I did and other days I'd find time to walk or use my elliptical for a few minutes in the afternoon/evening. Good luck with it, I got great results....now I just need to get myself motivated to try it again! lol!

    I hope you all let me know when you break through your barrier! I will let you know as well.