HELP! these last 10lbs will be the death of me

Hey guys! This is my first post to the site and I was hoping to get some of your opinions on how to break away from the weight loss plateau I've hit.

To help, I'll give you guys a bit of a background on me and my heath and fitness habits. First of all, I'm a Gluten intolerant vegetarian (with some vegan tendencies). I work out 6 days a week, if not all 7 doing a mix of cardio, weight training and workout videos/yoga.

Example Week:

Monday - Jillian Michaels 6 Week 6-Pack (35 minute video)
Tuesday - Bob Harper Yoga for the Warrior (1 hour video)
Wednesday - 30-35 minutes of running on the treadmill (non-stop at 5mph) / 15 minutes of Arm Weight Training (Bicep Curl/Triceps Press/Lat Raises + Dumbbell Squats)
Thursday - Jillian Michaels 6 Week 6-Pack (35 minute video)
Friday - 30-35 minutes of running on the treadmill (non-stop at 5mph) / 15 minutes of Leg Weight Training (Leg Extensions/Leg Curls + Dumbbell Squats)
Saturday - 30-35 minutes of running on the treadmill (non-stop at 5mph) / 15 minutes of Arm Weight Training (Bicep Curl/Tricep Press/Lat Raises + Dumbbell Squats)
Sunday - Freestyle! (more often than not, I go running at the local nature trail's 2-mile track)

I started dieting and working out in 2005, weighing in at 170lbs. Using primarily Weight Watchers, I dropped 35lbs. After stopping WW, I had fluctuated within a 10lb range for a few years. Around a year ago, when I started to take a much more active (see also: intense) interest in my weight loss and health. I stopped smoking cigarettes, cut out soda from my diet, became vegetarian and joined a gym. At that point, I weighed 140lbs. Today, at almost exactly the 1 year mark, I have accomplished nearly a 20lb loss (not to mention some noticeable improvements in muscle definition).

At a glance, it would sound like I've been steadily losing weight towards my goal (115lbs), but in reality... my weight loss has spiked up and down as I've progressed. The only way I've been able to stop the weight gain and continue with the HEALTHY weight loss, is to remain strict to my diet and constantly adjust my workout routine.

I should add that the above "example week" is new as of 2 weeks ago. Prior to that, I was going to the gym 6 days a week and almost exclusively running on the treadmill for up to 45 minutes, followed by around 20 minutes of stretching/yoga.

Due to my dietary restrictions, I have remained constantly aware of and in control of the food that I eat. I strictly monitor my caloric intake and track everything I eat using the "My Fitness Pal" App on my phone.

I calculated my caloric intake using my BMR and I consume between 1600 and 1700/day.

I've been working really hard... but once again, I've hit that dreaded plateau and I have no idea what to do next to break through it. So here I am, hoping that some of you have some suggestions for me. I'm all ears!

Also: The problem areas that I'm trying to fix the most are my belly and my inner thighs. I'm fully aware that there's no such thing as spot reducing but these are the last parts of me that hold fat. I'm sure that many of you can relate to that in one way or another.
Note-able mention: I haven't had any alcohol in months and try to limit my processed food intake when possible.