I am having a hard time giving up sugar in my tea!



  • diolpah
    diolpah Posts: 134 Member
    i use good raw natural honey. sweet and loads of health benefits!

    I have tried subbing half the sugar for a tsp of honey. So delicious, but I was not sure if it was any better than cane sugar!

    It's not, but the broscience and holistic horse**** persists strongly on MFP. The vast majority of caloric sweeteners are a sucrose/glucose/fructose mix with roughly the same proportions of the monosaccharides, no matter what the source is.

    Use splenda if you really want to cut out the sugar.
  • peacemongernc
    peacemongernc Posts: 253 Member

    Mint leaves help me a bit! But that is bad for breastfeeding.

    You could always drink it with a bowl of oatmeal and maybe they would counter balance each other! :)
  • Moonbeem11
    Moonbeem11 Posts: 32 Member
    Stevia, and not just any you gotta get the good kind or it's gross. I get trader joes organic stevia. No it's not sugar but it's very sweet and I love it!
  • prozac5489
    I am a total tea nerd and even did online work for a major tea company a few years ago. Many black, green, white, and oolong teas--if brewed correctly--are very sweet on their own. And then there are lots of companies that add flavoring oils, and many of those just sweeten the pot.

    Many black teas should be brewed at 1 bag or 2.5 grams loose leaf per 6-8 oz cup of water with boiling water for about 4 minutes. If you're brewing in these general parameters, experiment with shortening brew times, lowering the water temperature, increasing/decreasing leaf. With most loose leafs, anyway, you'll eventually find the 'sweet spot.'
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    Google Stevia, there's your answer :)

    YES stevia is AWESOME!! i use it in all my drinks.
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    I just use 0 calorie sweetener. I know artificial sweeteners arent great either but Id rather have a 0 cal sweetner then 15-20 cals of sugar 4-5 times a day
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i use good raw natural honey. sweet and loads of health benefits!

    I have tried subbing half the sugar for a tsp of honey. So delicious, but I was not sure if it was any better than cane sugar!

    ofcourse its better. there are natural enzymes in raw unpasturized honey that researchers have found can have great benefits on the human body. im talking big time effects, such as with weight loss, diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, even cancer prevention... we can never fully cut out our risks of these diseases, but if i can add prevention to my daily life with simple substitutes, im all for it. i also like to mix honey and cinnamon together for even more benefits. do some research on it, i think youll be surprised at the good you could do for your body by using honey on a regular basis.
  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    gonnamakeanewaccount Posts: 642 Member
    You're honestly better off having real sugar as opposed to unnatural sweeteners like Equal and Sweet 'n' Low. Maybe try cutting down on the amount of sugar or even switch to a healthier substitute such as honey.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i use good raw natural honey. sweet and loads of health benefits!

    I have tried subbing half the sugar for a tsp of honey. So delicious, but I was not sure if it was any better than cane sugar!

    It's not, but the broscience and holistic horse**** persists strongly on MFP. The vast majority of caloric sweeteners are a sucrose/glucose/fructose mix with roughly the same proportions of the monosaccharides, no matter what the source is.

    Use splenda if you really want to cut out the sugar.

    bro-science? holistic approaches are not all bro-science. i have news for you, raw honey and cinnamon have been used for their healing properties in other countries, successfully, for a very, very, very long time. theres nothing wrong with looking to other sources besides big pharma for health and wellness.

    USDA Agricultural Research Service: Insulin Imitators: Polyphenols Found in Cinnamon Mimic Job of Hormone
    "Penn State Food and Nutrition Notes"; The Power of Cinnamon; Mary Alice Gettings; 2004
    "Bottom Line Secrets"; The Latest Buzz on Honey; Bottom Line's Daily Health News, Aug. 9, 2007.
    University of Pittsburgh Medical Center: Cinnamon
    USDA Agricultural Research Service: Cinnamon, Glucose Tolerance and Diabetes
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    what i did to my ex who use to have 2 tsp in tea without him knowing
    1 wk 1 & 3/4 tsp of sugar
    2 wk 1 & 1/2 tsp of sugar
    3 wk 1& 1/4 tsp of sugar
    and so on until no sugar

    it wasn't until his tea had a 1/4 tsp of sugar until he found when he made his own tea :laugh: :smile:

    I use to have sugar and now I don't have any, haven't for years
  • diolpah
    diolpah Posts: 134 Member
    Edit: On second thought, you people enjoy your conspiracy theories. Things will rapidly become uncivil if I allow myself to get drawn into an argument with the anti-science crowd.
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    what i did to my ex who use to have 2 tsp in tea without him knowing
    1 wk 1 & 3/4 tsp of sugar
    2 wk 1 & 1/2 tsp of sugar
    3 wk 1& 1/4 tsp of sugar
    and so on until no sugar

    it wasn't until his tea had a 1/4 tsp of sugar until he found when he made his own tea :laugh: :smile:

    I use to have sugar and now I don't have any, haven't for years

    Thats really smart! Good job!
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I have roughly 100g of sugar a day and I don't add it to anything. I put honey and skim milk in my tea - super yummy - you should try it. :) Sugar won't hinder your weight loss or prevent your abs from showing as long as the rest of your diet is balanced and you're working out. Just make sure you get plenty of protein to preserve muscle mass. (1g per pound of body weight, roughly) As long as you're in a deficit, you will lose weight. I'm not suggesting you eat like 50-100 grams of sugar at once, but just balance your meals well and you'll be fine. :)
  • somanyrhoades
    somanyrhoades Posts: 107 Member
    Try Black Licorice Root Tea. Black licorice root is 50 times sweeter than sugar, but has no sugar in it, and don't worry, it doesn't taste like black licorice! It's actually really, really yummy! It honestly tastes like it's been sweetened! It is considered a medicinal herb and should not be taken by pregnant women or if you have any sort of heart condition/disease, liver or kidney disease. I personally don't care for stevia... i think it's a little bitter. I used to sweeten my tea with sugar, but now opt for honey. And while caloricly (is that a word?) they are similar, honey has a lower glycemic index than sugar, which means less of a chance of having that "sugar crash" that can lead to craving. Floral honeys have the lowest glycemic index, and try to buy raw, local varieties to avoid additives and support your local farmers! If you don't like any of the options anyone listed here maybe try tapering off your sugar. Go down to two packets, then one, etc. And if you watch your sugar in other foods it shouldn't be too big of a deal if you want to have 2 in your tea a couple times a day.
  • nminden
    nminden Posts: 55 Member
    Noone has mentioned xylitol. Google it. It even looks like granulated sugar and is good for the enamel of your teeth. They're giving it to kids to prevent toothdecay.
  • Colorfan
    Colorfan Posts: 230 Member
    Stevia! Or Splenda too. They sell them both in granulated form, so its just like putting some sugar in your tea.
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    use stevia... all natural no chemicals and zero cals
  • CubicCutie
    Have you tried Stevia? No cals unless you eat a mountain of it!

    its a natural product from South American plant so no harmful chemicals. Like someone else said, gradually reduce by half a tsp until you get used to that amount until zero. I did it 30 years ago and can't stand it in my tea or coffee now

    You can get powder, granules or tabs. You can carry tabs in your bag. I sprinkle the powder on my oat bran each morning and add it to stewed fruit instead of sugar.

    Good luck & let me know how you get on
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I love herbal teas with sugar, but I'd also love some muscle! I am working towards a 6 pack abs. I am very tiny and have been, but my abs just aren't pushing through! I had a baby 7 months ago, and I have a cup of coffee or tea with 2 or 3 tsp in the morning. And then one around bed time. Sometimes a I will with my,lunch too. So that is about 6-8 tsp of sugar daily! :/

    On here, it says I am allowed 35g of sugar. How bad is this tea addiction for my goal? I work as a Barista so it's even harder!

    I've been working out, breastfeeding, eating lots of protein, and water!
    There's no reason to give up anything if you account for it. Also, why would sugar hurt muscle growth? If anything it will help, as sugar will spike insulin, and insulin is one of the most important muscle building hormones.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Fat loss takes time and consistent effort.

    Sugar intake has absolutely nothing to do with it.