Net calorie question.....

This might be a dumb question.....

But, can you count net calories as a "weekly" total? Or is it best to do daily?
Typically I am a daily counter, but my question is because I know today I have gone over my calories, with it being late and all I can't squeeze in a workout without seriously staying up late. Could someone (myself) in this situation "make up" for it tomorrow, by staying under my calorie goal with a larger deficit to "even itself out"
Or is this unhealthy? Again this isn't a habit or anything, just wondering if I should stay up and burn or if I can make it up tomorrow.

Thanks in advance


  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    That is exactly what I do... I try to stay 200 calories under my goal every day and then save it up for the weekend... As long as you hit your net at the end of th week it is ok to eat more one day and less the other...
  • Jessi_Brooks
    Jessi_Brooks Posts: 759 Member
    Theres a spreadsheet around here you can get. You enter in you calorie goal, then each day you enter how many calories you net that day, and it will total what you can eat the next day.
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    Theres a spreadsheet around here you can get. You enter in you calorie goal, then each day you enter how many calories you net that day, and it will total what you can eat the next day.

    Do you know how to get the spreadsheet...I tried to find it but couldnt...thanks