am i an oddity?

pcbta Posts: 227
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
okay's a mystery.
I eat good. I do have days where i eat more, and too much, but it's never crazy amounts. i eat balanced meals. i eat lots of protien.
i work out. p90x, jillian. 5 days a week. i am highly active at work and at home with 3 kids. too active!
no, i don't undereat. some days i eat less, some more. always right around where i SHOULD be in order to lose!!!

here's the thing...i dont' lose! no lost inches for me at all in the last year.
i really feel like i should be losing with everything i'm doing. i'm getting frustrated! plus everyone around me is going HCG drops. or the protein/pickle diet. they lose so quickly! I know they won't keep it off, still wondering why NOTHING is happening to me!
any ideas for a boost???
and no, i don't eat much sodium...



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    no, i don't undereat. some days i eat less, some more. always right around where i SHOULD be in order to lose!!!

    How much is that?
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    right around where MFP says i should be to lose each week.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Perhaps you're undereating? I know I've read on here that some people try to eat 1200 calories a day, with eating exercise calories, and they don't lose. Then they'll go up to 1300 or 1400 daily and start losing again. Sometimes your body needs the extra nutrients, esp. if you're doing p90x and jillian michaels workouts. Or try zig-zagging calories so you eat a different amount each day. 1400, then 1300, then 1500, etc.
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    nope! not undereating...and eat most or all of my exercise cals. and i go over a little too sometimes, kind of a zig zag approach i geuss.
    i keep thinking i'll be patient...but i'm going to have to be patient the rest of my life at the rate i'm going.
  • abredbenner
    abredbenner Posts: 125 Member
    What is the pickle/protein diet? I love reading the message boards to find out about all this crazy stuff. Sorry I can't help you with you questions though.
  • FitToBeFab
    FitToBeFab Posts: 537 Member
    Have you tried cutting out sugar?

    I read this on a post a long time ago, someone was struggling to drop inches, and someone else suggested cutting sugar completely for a little while, and they ended up dropping another 10 lbs.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    is i possible that you are over estimating your exercise calories since you said you consume them all. Also are you accounting for the calories that you would have burned if you weren't working out?

    for example if you burn 300 calories doing p90x and post those 300 calories you are over because MFP figured you would burn (for example 80 calories during that hour so you really should only record 220 calories if you plan to eat them all back.

    also are you using a device to measure your calories burned? because doing the same thing can really vary from day to day depending on how hard you work and other things.
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    yeah, maybe i'm doing something wrong with my cals. the thing is, i don't FEEL like i'm eating too much, ya know?
    sugar? pretty good most of the time!!! room for improvement for sure.
    Thanks for the thoughts
  • BrattyLori
    BrattyLori Posts: 101 Member
    with all due respect and honor to you and your efforts, could you be completely forgetting about things that you eat?

    I was doing that a LOT for a LONG LONG time. I would actually ASK people "How can I be so overweight when I really dont eat anything ever?" I was truly puzzled about my situation.

    I was eating way way more than I was admitting to myself. For me, it was simply denial. Many, many good, smart, sane people do that all the time.

    Even now I will eat something and completely forget about it within minutes. I think that I have journaled every single morsel of food and then, as I'm falling asleep, I'll say, "OH man! I ate a banana and a yogurt when I was outside with the kids! And I had some almonds in the car!"

    It doesnt take much forgetting to have an impact. My advice to you: journal every single bite you take as soon as possible and then you can rule that out.

    Good luck to you! ;)
  • rianacuna
    rianacuna Posts: 1 Member
    Only eat 1300 a day and do not calculate your workout. You are the only one who knows the truth. You could have a thyroid problem, maybe get a check up? Read the book "Women Food and God" it will help:) Good luck to you and to everyone in their weight loss journey.
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    When I hit a slump I then measure and weigh EVERYTHING. I measure my food, drinks and I wear a HRM. I become super strict for a week and see if that helps. I find sometimes I get a little easy on the measuring of my foods and this helps
  • Firefrog76
    Firefrog76 Posts: 45
    To the OP, you could try resetting your settings to encorporate your workouts. (Put yourself at Very Active) You could be undereating calories and not be aware of it.
    If that's not the case, you could be adding muscle and that is why there's no scale change.
    OR...If that doesn't work, try calorie cycling to throw your metabolism off balance. You basically go for a calorie deficit for a week, rather than daily. It will take some tracking on your part since MFP doesn't show this. But shoot for a 3500 calorie deficit for the week. And over the course of the week eat OVER your calories some days and then UNDER your calorie the others so that in the end, you have that deficit. The change up may spark your body into letting go of the extra pounds faster. Like another poster said, zig zag them. BUt do it on a grander scale. On your light activity days eat about 1200 calories and when you're Shredding or P90Xing, up them to 1800. The bigger swing is better in this case tahn say 50 calories, that may not be enough to trigger the body response.
    By staying too consistant your body adapts and doesn't change. By bouncing high and low you trick it into staying on it's toes and shedding pounds.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    from june to november last year, i was eating 1300 calories a day (with one cheat day around 2000), doing 'couch to 5k' and exercising 30 minutes a day (on top of a normal, active lifestyle) and i wasn't losing anything either so i can totally understand your pain. it is very frustrating! i finally started losing one pound a MONTH in december. i have consistently lost a pound a month since then and just this last week, lost one pound in ONE WEEK. that is huge for me.

    i was diagnoised with pcos in may of last year and put on a medley of drugs, including metformin. it has taken a long time to figure out the right combo, but it is finally working. have you gone to your doctor for any blood tests? many times they will check your thyroid, but forget about doing an insulin resistance or hormone test. both of these can really affect how your body uses your food.

    good luck!
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