this college year is almost over and im ready to enjoy with.

kdbell Posts: 37
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
a little alcohol now and then. I haven't drank in a while (10months) except for this past weekend. and i was wondering what you guys think about the casual drinking scene and my healthy lifestyle change... Im not a drinker i don't drink often and when i do i tend to beat myself up whats your take should i try to stay away or can i give in alittle


  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    Well, you're 19 so shouldn't be drinking in the first place....but I know that didn't stop me when I was your age either.

    If I were you, I'd stay away if it makes you feel like crap. You'll only get mad at yourself and undo some of the positive changes you've worked so hard to make.
    But if you do choose to partake, as always, be careful and always stay sober enough so that you're aware of your surroundings and don't make stupid decisions.
  • Although I'm not 21 yet either, I used to drink here and there as well. It's college... After all the stress we live with throughout the week, how can we not go out and let loose once in a while? I stopped though, just because it messed up my schedule... I'm more of a morning person, so staying out til 2, and waking up at 12 really just threw me off.

    BUT... As long as you're good (calorie wise) throughout your week, and the day you decide to drink, I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Just make sure you work it in to your allowed calorie intake. And try to avoid mixed drinks... All that pop can add a lot of calories, and fast. And don't drink anymore than you need to to get where you want to be buzz-wise - it's not worth it in how you'll feel physically the next morning, or mentally for letting yourself get out of control with your caloric intake.

    Also, try not to just sit around and drink. Instead, go out with some girlfriends and dance to burn off some of those calories.
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