Struggling yet determined PINAY!~

I just started today and not quite sure that i should be writing here because i have done this before and never stuck to anything.

i grew big in junior high and gain more pounds in high school and college. i am now 25, a single mom, a home based entrepreneur and just plain lazy all the time.

my son is 2 and is very active, i cant go running with him and cant keep up with energies. i get back pain when i pick something on the floor, i eat a lot, i smoke and generally don't mind my health until now.

i have been doing Zumba for three nights now for 30 mins and i like it. that's when i decided to come back to this website and try again, hopefully i now i get to meet new friends that will motivate me and help me when im down.

i am currently 95 kilos and 5 foot 4 inches (so short, right??)!

Please do add me! any Pinoys also that can help me what kind of food to eat.