Do you weigh yourself every day or once a week?



  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    In the past I've always just done once per week for accuracy, however in the past two weeks I've been doing once per day, I definitely don't recommend it. With the amount of fluctuations on a daily basis, it's pretty useless to do it every day, just drives me nutty! :grumble:
  • Tme2change
    Tme2change Posts: 185 Member
    Once a week to once every couple weeks, only because of how much weight I've lost.
    I really need to get a good tape measure and measure myself in inches and then do my measurements weekly.
  • tlangenfeld
    tlangenfeld Posts: 2,330 Member
    once a week - same time in am
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    I weigh about four times a week, but only once a week "officially" at boot camp.
  • angelh1908
    angelh1908 Posts: 175 Member
    I only weigh in once a week; I think weighing everyday could potentially set you back emotionally. Especially if you don't understand how much your weight fluctuates from day to day.
  • cadillacjames
    cadillacjames Posts: 8 Member
    Once a week. Daily fluctuations from water intake, etc. just frustrates me and doesn't really tell me anything. Once a week is a sufficent measurement, besides how loose my clothes have become is pretty noticeable.

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  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    I weigh daily but only note down my weight two days a week. I fluctuate so much daily that it might even be better to measure once a week.
  • mikeyrs
    mikeyrs Posts: 176 Member
    I weigh in everyday, but usually only record once a week on Saturday or Sunday morning.
  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    I tend to weigh mondays and thursdays. I typically either see a very small loss (.2 lbsish), stagnation, or a small gain (within a half pound) on Mondays and then a more substantial loss (.8 or so) on Thursdays. I guess it just has to do with sodium on the weekends or maybe it's just the lack of exercise, but weighing these days keeps me grounded and in tune with my body. On small gain days I typically channel that and eat a bit better during the week, on small loss days I give myself a cookie the next day - so it all balances out :')
  • chm2616
    chm2616 Posts: 434 Member
    Once a week usually. But this month one of my pals and aren't weighting ourselves until May 1st (month-long ban on the scale)!
  • toby0808
    toby0808 Posts: 1 Member
    Weigh yourself every day and calculate the average of a week(compare you weight week to week)
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Every July.

    But I'm late this year ...
  • candiceh3
    candiceh3 Posts: 379
    Every day works for me at the moment. It teaches me what kind of fluctuations are normal and that weight fluctuations are nothing to fear (or celebrate). I do it because I'm a number nerd and it truly interests me without being obsessive. I'm currently trying to estimate how much a high sodium meal affects me the next day.

    I update my MFP weight each week though :).
  • FrauMama
    FrauMama Posts: 169 Member
    Every morning.
  • omgbeckii
    omgbeckii Posts: 1 Member
    I weigh myself every morning just to stay in check and make sure i dont gain... But my official weigh in is sunday morning :)
  • amberflo143
    amberflo143 Posts: 94 Member
    Every other day. But officially I mark Friday as my day.
  • 70ura
    70ura Posts: 1 Member
    I weigh myself once a week. And it's always first thing in the morning and completely naked. I was weighing myself everyday and it really stressed me out.

    Exactly what i do very Saturday morning :)
  • turtleball
    turtleball Posts: 217 Member
    everyday, because I lose weight mostly everyday.
  • ObsessedMonster
    ObsessedMonster Posts: 150 Member
    Twice a day. I'm addicted to the scale, sadly.
  • Arranna1212
    Arranna1212 Posts: 143 Member
    I weight myself every day just to see how much I fluctuate. Before I started working out and eating healthier I use to fluctuate anywhere between 2-4 pounds every day. Now that I stopped drinking soda and starting going to the gym, I stopped fluctuating. I guess it just kinda tells me if I did well for that day or not. It shouldn't be anything to stress over.