Which Lifting Program for My Husband? wants to gain weight

agbaeb Posts: 179 Member
Ok, my husband wants to start lifting. However, he's never used a program and is a natural runner and wants to do both.

I went through New Rules of Lifting for Women and loved it and am now doing Jamie Eason's LiveFit program.

Which of the 3 options below.. (or others) should he start with?

Men's Health: The Book of Muscle : The World's Most Authoritative Guide to Building Your Body
Bigger Leaner Stronger
New Rules of Lifting

Thoughts on each?


  • agbaeb
    agbaeb Posts: 179 Member
    Bump... really?? No one? Help a guy out!
  • I read Men's Health and they seem to be pretty authoritive and they definitely stay current with science and health. My instinct would be to go with that, but that is not to say that the other ones aren't good.
  • mdizzle99
    mdizzle99 Posts: 169 Member
    For his goal, I would suggest Starting Strength 3rd edition. I'd recommend picking up the book.
  • docbear0311
    docbear0311 Posts: 1 Member
    I just read the new rules for lifting and I suggest he start there. Great book!