Weight Watchers AND MFP



  • jessannprice
    jessannprice Posts: 183 Member
    I am currently using both WW and MFP. I am tracking food and exercise on both sites.

    I like the MFP community much better. I have started losing more since I noticed sometimes my calories were way too low when I used the point system.

    MFP 1300 calories a day + 60 minutes cardio 5-6 days a week is REALLY helping me. Beginning on WW, I was too tired and starving to even consider exercise.

    I won't renew my WW in May when it's due.
  • Hi...since using MFP ...it has finally clicked after continuously dieting for 25 years...all diets(healthy eating) will work whether its weight watchers, rosemary connelly, slimming world, no carbs, Cambridge, lighter life...the list is endless .....it the mind set that makes it work xxxx
  • xcarinarx
    xcarinarx Posts: 31 Member
    I started WW Jan. 2, 2012 not as a resolutioner, but because it was the right time... coincidence. I lost 30 lbs in 6 months, let it go for the next 8 months because I had a bad rotator cuff tear, couldn't work out, got peed off and let things go to hell. Anyway, when I tried to get back on this past Feb. or Mar., I just couldn't. I discovered MFP through the guys at bodybuilding.com I like that I can track my macros and calories better in MFP rather than just watching points. Btw, a point is 40 calories. I could get the same number of calories through my Daily, Weekly and Activity points as I calculated here, but I had no idea how much of what macro I was getting.

    WW *is* a good plan for weight loss, not necessarily fat loss, and a good way to jump start. But it doesn't teach you how to eat for your own goals. All they have to go by is the BMI, which they admit. My goal is 165 lbs and 14% body fat (male fitness), but I am 5'5". That makes me "obese" by the BMI. I'd need a doctor to certify I'm not obese at that weight. I have 25 lbs to lose, but I don't think I look obese in my avi. Moreover, the meetings were simply group therapy sessions. I don't mean to sound bitter, but it just wasn't worth it. I haven't been to a meeting, except for one, since October or November. To pay $43/month for that is silly.

    yes! i totally agree about the meetings! they were so depressing to me and everyone basically just used it to vent for an hour....it wasn't worth it for me personally.
  • xcarinarx
    xcarinarx Posts: 31 Member
    i prefer mfp. i tried and failed miserably at ww. like others have said, calorie counting is much simpler and sustainable for me. how could ANY food be zero points??? doesn't make any sense. i just kept losing and gaining the same 5 lbs. and i absolutely HATED the meetings. i find the community here much more positive and encouraging. i also find that ww didn't focus as much on exercise, which for me, is a large part of being a healthy person.

    Foods that use up more calories during digestion, than they contain should be zero points. Weight Watchers did this to encourage people to eat fruits and veg. I mean, who is really going to waste 1 point on a freakin apple lol... I lost 30 lbs on Weight Watchers, and never had a problem. The points system keeps you at a low calorie intake (for me it was roughly 1200 a day) having the "free" fruits and veg brought my calories up to 1500-1600 which is where I should be. I stopped Weight Watchers because I was earning 70-100 activity points a week, so I could basically eat what I wanted. I came to MFP to track what I am eating. I didn't go to WW meatings, but I found the program to work for me. If you do it correctly, and don't eat 20 apples and 10 salads a day, it will work for you.

    i did it correctly for months (last summer) and it didn't work and make sense for me. mfp just makes more sense in my own opinion.
  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member
    yes! i totally agree about the meetings! they were so depressing to me and everyone basically just used it to vent for an hour....it wasn't worth it for me personally.

    Not to mention being commandeered by two or three people every week. They would just start talking as if it were only them. It was hard to get a word in edgewise, even if it was a question. I don't mean to judge, because if it works for some people that's what counts. It's like everything else, including the heated discussions here on what foods to eat or not eat... do what works for you. :wink:
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    I had been on the WW program for almost a year. Stalled out at 30lbs lost I haven't moved since Christmas. I found MFP and have lost a bit since starting. I find the food data base and community much better here. I have since given up my WW membership. I hope you find what works for you!!
    You'd think this was me writing this. I went through almost the exact same thing.
    I started WW last March, lost 40 lbs and stalled in December... I was on MFP during that time, but not counting calories, just points.
    I have pretty much given up on how many points WW tells me to eat - I started the TDEE method two weeks ago, broke my 3 month plateau and have lost almost 3 lbs since.

    I think the problem with WW is that you are going to be eating way too low calories unless you eat at least SOME if not all of your extra weekly points, and then eat back ALL of your activity points. If they give you 24 points and that's all you eat, you will be eating too low, and eventually your weight loss will stall. Not only that, but once you reach goal, it will be nearly impossible to keep the weight off. I am speaking from experience - I lost 72 lbs 10 years ago and it was impossible to keep it off with weight watchers, gained 99 lbs back.
  • cicigavgab3
    cicigavgab3 Posts: 13 Member
    I also lost 38 pounds on weight watchers...got to my goal and became lifetime ...but life happened I stopped tracking couldnt get to meetings because of car issues...stress ...first child ofnmy 3 left for college and now here I am! Hope to get back to my goal and start attending ww meetings again...but wanna do it at goal for free! Looking to make this mfp work! Love it so far! Down 1 1/2 and hope this forum will give me the motivation my ww meeting did!
  • cicigavgab3
    cicigavgab3 Posts: 13 Member
    I had been on the WW program for almost a year. Stalled out at 30lbs lost I haven't moved since Christmas. I found MFP and have lost a bit since starting. I find the food data base and community much better here. I have since given up my WW membership. I hope you find what works for you!!
    You'd think this was me writing this. I went through almost the exact same thing.
    I started WW last March, lost 40 lbs and stalled in December... I was on MFP during that time, but not counting calories, just points.
    I have pretty much given up on how many points WW tells me to eat - I started the TDEE method two weeks ago, broke my 3 month plateau and have lost almost 3 lbs since.

    I think the problem with WW is that you are going to be eating way too low calories unless you eat at least SOME if not all of your extra weekly points, and then eat back ALL of your activity points. If they give you 24 points and that's all you eat, you will be eating too low, and eventually your weight loss will stall. Not only that, but once you reach goal, it will be nearly impossible to keep the weight off. I am speaking from experience - I lost 72 lbs 10 years ago and it was impossible to keep it off with weight watchers, gained 99 lbs back.
  • cicigavgab3
    cicigavgab3 Posts: 13 Member
    What is the TDEE method you are refering to!?!
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
  • xcarinarx
    xcarinarx Posts: 31 Member
    yes! i totally agree about the meetings! they were so depressing to me and everyone basically just used it to vent for an hour....it wasn't worth it for me personally.

    Not to mention being commandeered by two or three people every week. They would just start talking as if it were only them. It was hard to get a word in edgewise, even if it was a question. I don't mean to judge, because if it works for some people that's what counts. It's like everything else, including the heated discussions here on what foods to eat or not eat... do what works for you. :wink:

    LOL omg yes! always!!! were we in the same meeting or is it just like that? lol i don't judge either, what works for everyone is different, but for me personally, mfp has gotten me down 15 lbs so far and ww i couldn't get past 5! it worked for my mom short term, she lost 30 lbs, but then lost the motivation to keep tracking and keep paying. it's just not sustainable in my opinion, especially financially. i honestly think i was eating too little, which made it impossible to work out, which i love doing!
  • Brummig
    Brummig Posts: 94
    I've never done WW, but I lost over 4 stone with Slimming World 2 years ago. I have kept it off, and in the last few months have lost another stone. I still go to SW to help me stay on track (free as a target member - like Lifetime), and I have become a bit of an exercise junkie! I joined MFP last year when I decided to go for the last stone. I've found it really good for helping me to live real life and real food. I was still working out my SW syns, and nervous about going off plan and gaining the weight again, so MFP has helped me start to learn what I can actually eat.

    Like others have said, its about being honest about what will motivate you.
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    I did WW and MFP for a bit. I originally signed up for MFP to gain access to the food database while on WW. Then I figured out how MFP worked, how much it told you, and I was like "to heck with WW" and went solely on MFP. And I've never had such great success!

    WW Did not work for me, I started with the meetings. They were always at inconvenient times, the leader was extremely rude and condescending, and like others have said...the same 2 people hog the mic every week. Not worth it so I switched to online.

    Online got me a good kickstart on how to eat better, pick from the food groups etc. But i found the pts counting really got me obsessed and all i could think about was food. Not to mention WW changes their plan way too often. AND....wasted more money.

    BEFORE WW, I tried Herbal Magic. Uhhh, I could open up a new thread on that alone and how much of a joke I think that company is.

    Bottom line...I wasted soooooo much money on weight loss, and what works for me was free and in front of my nose all along...I've learned so much being on MFP and since I "re-started for good" Yes my ticker may not look impressive but it's been less than a month that I decided to add in exercise, now that I have the proper energy for it!

    I hope you find what works for you, but just remember, you don't have to spend a mint to get in shape, I promise!! :flowerforyou:
  • bigbearms
    bigbearms Posts: 11
    I have done WW before as well; however, the point system didn't seem to work as well for me as using MFP. Being able to see calories, fat, protein, carbs, fiber, etc. (the science of it) seems to motivate me to do better. I know that WW doesn't even include fruit in points, therefore, caloric/carb/sugar intake is going to be higher, thereby slowing weight loss. I have found that working with others using MFP is cheaper and keeps me motivated. Hope this helps.
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    I did weight watchers and lost a stone and a half but I couldn't budge the last stone. I then from november last year tried Slimming world and weight watchers again and nothing worked. It stopped being about me and getting healthy and became about sins and points. It was getting silly. I was acting insane... and now something has seemed to click...

    MFP is the way forward for me. I have finally said by to the scales. I am adding friends who already have the results that I want and reading their profiles, comments, looking at their food diarys, asking questions. Getting involved with the threads to is a massive help to me.

    Also I'm really learning about food. I am trying new recipes (made a chickpea curry tonight, was god awful but I had a go). It just seems stupid to attach a "Point" to something (in my opinion this is only what currently works for me. One year ago I need weightwatchers)

    I think that formal diet plans like these take away the real ability to lean, grow, develop. In its place is just dictated approach to diet.
  • jlcrph
    jlcrph Posts: 41 Member
    I've been doing Weight Watchers now for about 13 months - with a lot of success. I have a great leader and a very supportive group that attends the weekly meetings. I started using MFP 5 weeks ago at the encouragement of a cousin and think the tracking app functionality is FAR superior to what Weight Watchers offers. I also very much like the focus MFP has on the quality of what you eat by tracking both macro and micronutrients. I have always been a bit bothered that WW doesn't have more of a focus on using the daily points to eat healthy foods. If I didn't have so much time invested in WW and the people that I have been doing it with, I would just use MFP.

    Bottom line, for someone new, considering both options, MFP in my opinion is superior, and teaches the user more about healthy eating. Unless peer group in person meetings and weighing in would be key determinant to success, MFP seems like the way to go!
  • erikacole
    erikacole Posts: 87 Member
    I did WW last year and lost almost 25 lbs. I gained it back because I stopped tracking.

    Both places are great for tracking. I did try to track both points and calories at one point and was just so overwhelmed. I do good to keep track of one or the other.

    I decided to cut back on some spending, so went for the 'free' program. I think both programs are great. They are what you make of them. In both you must cut back over eating and exercise :)

    GL to you!
  • lisamac62
    lisamac62 Posts: 305 Member
    Does anyone do Weight Watchers AND My Fitness Pal? I lost 30 lbs with MFP two years ago and have gained it all back. I'm having a hard time getting motivated and am going to joing Weight Watchers today. I've done WW in the past and find counting calories much easier than the points system sooooo...I will be using MFP for tracking.

    Anyone care to share experience? Good, bad or otherwise??

    I have tried WW many many times and find that it isn't structured enough for me. I know that a can of fat free pringles is 7 pts therefore my brain says I can eat the whole can. Logging my calories into MFP works so much better for me.
  • jerstacy
    jerstacy Posts: 1 Member
    I joined WW online in October 2012 I had lost 60 lbs when I started tracking on MFP and a month and a half ago. I tracked on both MFP and WW for a week or two and now I am only tracking on MFP. Waiting to see the results from MFP before cancelling membership to WW. I do like that MFP is free vs. $18 per month for WW online. For me starting with WW has helped me make better food choices, I would chose the fruit and veggies for 0 pp vs. a 100 calorie snack pack of something processed and probably would't have done so if I had started on MFP.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    Since I've been counting points and tracking on here, I can see exactly how many calories I am eating vs. my points.
    On some days, I could eat 26 points and it works out to 1400 calories (just estimating without actually checking my diary right now). Another day, I could still eat 26 points but it works out to 1600 calories (again, an example). That is a pretty big difference in calories, if that happens every day. Since the points system is based on other things, you could end up eating a lot more calories than you think (or a lot less), even though you are eating the same number of points every day.

    It is hard for me to say if WW really forces you to make healthier food choices. I think I eat pretty healthy already - and on those days when my calories were higher than others it didn't seem like I ate anything "worse" and I still stayed within my macros.

    Just something to consider.
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