getting back on the wagon

TeresaC79 Posts: 316 Member
I started this whole thing shortly after seeing this picture of my self


I couldn't believe I had let myself get so big. Now,don't get me wrong. I've been "chunky" my whole life. "Big boned" my family liked to say. I topped out around 190 and my lowest was living in Seattle when I commuted by bike. I was around 165.

I started this whole thing on December 28, 2011. I was sitting on my *kitten* during holiday break. My kids were at school. It was noon and I was still in my pajamas...eating and sleeping. It took effort to get up the stairs. I felt weak and out of breath. From walking up stairs? WTH!!! I had tried and failed at C25K two summers in a row. I hated getting dressed, shopping for clothes, looking in the mirror. Blah.

That day, I looked up calorie counters and found MFP. I downloaded a Jillian 30 day shred video and so the journey began.

I never even finished the 30 day shred because on January 8, I joined a gym. I went 4-6 days a week, depending on my work schedule and was crushing 2 hours a day there between cardio and weights. I got down to an all time low of 138. (I had pink eye in the picture. Eek!)


I began to feel comfortable in this new body, in this new weight. I was at a fitness level I had never been at even when I was in high school playing sports. I was a machine.

Then, a month after his picture, I had surgery on my thyroid. I was out of commission for about a month. Once that month was over, all my motivation was gone. I hadn't gained weight, but getting back in the gym was hard. Getting out and running was hard.

I thought I could maintain without counting and without exercising. I gained back about 10 lbs. Luckily, I never let it get too out of control and never got back to my starting weight.

38 days ago I started religiously logging again. it has been hard and I haven't been faithful. I've had days that were so bad I just gave up on trying to log. I am now working two jobs so I don't have as much time as I used to for exercise, but once summer is here and my teaching job is on break, I will again.

As of this morning, I am back down to 140.5. I don't have a current full body shot but here is a head shot as of yesterday.


My goal for the rest of 2013 is to

1. Get to my final goal weight of 130
2. Get some muscle definition.
3. Run a half marathon.

Thanks for looking!!!!!


  • lhgalant
    lhgalant Posts: 101 Member
    congrats on your successes thus far!! you look great. love the hair & your arm tat as well :smile:
  • RandomMiranda
    I'm in a very similar place, except my motivation stopped when I picked up a third job, and I gained back 30 pounds instead of 10. But I'm back on the wagon yet again. Great job getting back on it. Now you know you can do it, because you already have. And you look fantastic (and I'm jealous that you live in Seattle).
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,274 Member
    Congratulations! What an inspiring story. You look amazing!
  • leyshockl
    leyshockl Posts: 17 Member
    Congratulations on your successes! You look awesome! I love that you have a goal set and written. I totally understand where you are coming from. I, too, have fallen off the wagon. I was in a really great place in February. We went on a trip to Hawaii and I was actually confident in a bikini!! Then when I got back I hurt my foot and was in a walking boot for a week. I couldn't exercise at all! I became a little depressed after going from working out every day to nothing at all. I was trying to be good with my diet, but Easter came and my kids' candy was just sitting there for me to eat. I was making excuse after excuse and the weight has climbed back on. My clothes are tighter and I feel terrible. I am able to exercise again and really want to get back to where I was in February before the summer is here. Good luck to are not alone in this!!!
  • SlimSumday
    SlimSumday Posts: 379 Member
    You look awesome! Well done! :drinker:
  • TeresaC79
    TeresaC79 Posts: 316 Member
    Thanks everyone! Feel free to add me as well. I lost a lot of friends when I stopped logging, so I could some added inspiration and motivation.
  • vabond93
    vabond93 Posts: 2
    This is fantastic and has inspired me to get my act together. I used MFP to lose over 50lbs the healthy way a while back and since I have started college, I have not gained any weight back, but have definitely not been choosing the healthiest paths. I have decided to make a new account to start fresh and stay happy and healthy. Your story is a huge motivator!!! Congrats on your success! And thanks!
  • TeresaC79
    TeresaC79 Posts: 316 Member
    It is so easy to fall back into old habits once you lose the weight. I always said that this was going to have to be a life long change in habits. I didn't REALLY know what that meant until after I lost the weight and slowly let my old habits take back over.
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