Stubborn Upper Body

Since the beginning of my weight loss journey I've lost about 40 pounds (hooray!!!!), but I still have pockets of fat on my stomach and my chest. Although both are noticeably smaller, I'm still pushing toward my goal of getting a six pack and losing the "man boobs" completely. My exercise routines consist of 10 mins of intense cardio followed by weights. I've been increasing weights and reps for the last month or so, but I'm not really seeing the results yet. Am I doing something wrong? Should I be doing more weights, or does this have more to do with my diet? I've more or less cut out all fast food, and try to limit portions (besides on weekends, which is still not too crazy) Please help!!!


  • tonyrocks922
    tonyrocks922 Posts: 172 Member
    you can't spot-reduce fat, the only way to get rid of it is to continue to lose fat and increase lean mass. try lifting heavier weights while continuing to watch your calories.