I'm going to scream

I have been logging in and working out since January and my weight is fluctuating still. I'll admit that I'm usually very, very good during the work week and then on the weekends even if I don't over eat I will only eat one large meal a day or skip working out. My boss is doing South Beach and has lost 12 pounds in 3 weeks. I don't want rapid results. I want results that last but I'm not getting any. I'm currently 5' 6" and 217 pounds. I'm eating 1530 calories a day and working out 4-5 days a week. My workout consists of cardio warm up for 10 minutes, strength training ( I alternate between upper and lower body and usually spend about 20 - 30 minutes doing this ) and then more cardio (normally 25-45 minutes). I weigh more now than I did in January by over 12 pounds! I'm so frustrated.


  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    Help please! lol
  • NaturallyandProperly
    NaturallyandProperly Posts: 138 Member
    My weight hasn't changed much myself but I do feel stronger. How are your clothes fitting? Rings? Perhaps you need to change your workout routine. Have you thought of getting a personal trainer. DON'T GIVE UP!!! :)
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    My rings are looser but my pants are tighter and my jackets are too.
  • NaturallyandProperly
    NaturallyandProperly Posts: 138 Member
    Also, don't only eat one meal a day. Try to eat 3 healthy meals (watch your portion size) and 3 healthy snacks, like an apple, or a peice of cheese. Let your body know it's not starving. I can't see your diary... How is your sugar intake?
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    I do eat fruit so my sugar intake is high.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    I think I'm eating between TDEE and BMR.
  • NaturallyandProperly
    NaturallyandProperly Posts: 138 Member
    Do you know how to add sugar to the column for your food diary? You might be suprised. Also, you gotta eat dinner! :) Healthy choices.. natural foods. :)
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I think I'm eating between TDEE and BMR.

    You think, but do you know?
  • bwnorton
    bwnorton Posts: 100 Member
    First off, you are showing great commitment to changing your lifestyle! Our exercise equipment uses assumptions on calorie burns for people. They have to average it out across the population. I am one of those people who don't burn as many calories doing exactly the same workout on a elliptical or treadmill as somebody else. (I found that out years ago and knew it would eventually catch up with me - that's why I'm here)

    When it comes to metabolism, we're all different. If you have hypothyroidism or other endocrine issue, you may want to consult a healthcare professional. It could be a simple change they recommend that could help you out!

    As far as meals go, do you use a kitchen scale to weigh out your food? I started using one at the start of my program and can't stop. I had huge problems with portion control. It's getting better now. I still rely on the scale.

    Keep up your commitment! You'll do this!
  • kwogni
    kwogni Posts: 18
    Hi Ashley,

    How do you feel when you have your 1530 calories each day? Before a meal, are you hungry? If so, how hungry? Between meals, do you feel hungry? How about your water consumption? How many glasses of water per day do you drink? From what you describe, it sounds like your body thinks it's starving. When that happens, the weight loss mechanisms in your body will shut down and will store all calories as fat. As for the cardio, how intense is it? Do you get out of breath? Can you feel your heart beating rapidly? The more details you can provide, the better we can help.
  • am06or
    am06or Posts: 30 Member
    I am also 25 and 5'7" - I currently weigh 182lbs
    I eat 1670 calories/day + exercise calories = 1970 to 2200

    I have a desk job where I sit 8+hours/day
    My workouts are 4-6 days/week
    3 days - Run 5K (roughly) (30-35mins)
    3 days - 10min warm up with 45mins of strenght training


    definitely this and figure out your real numbers to make sure you are eating between BMR and TDEE (don't just think you are) ... I don't think you are eating enough
  • Unless you have a medical condition, you should be seeing results 4+ months in if you are 1) eating at a calorie deficit and/or 2) using exercise to help you burn calories.

    I would recommend modifying your caloric intake and see if that makes a difference. The TDEE and BMR estimates you get online are only estimates. You have to figure out what works for your body by trial and error.
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    I normally don't feel very hungry with 1530. I do eat my exercise calories back most of the time but I low ball the amount my HRM gives me by 10% usually. I drink at least 8 glasses a day during the week normally between 8 and 14. During my cardio session I am normally out of breath, unable to carry on a full conversation. (I sound like the kid in the wheel chair from Malcolm in the Middle if that helps)
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I think I'm eating between TDEE and BMR.

    You think, but do you know?

    Based on your info (25yo female, 5'6", 217lbs) and guestimating your body fat % @ 35, your BMR is 1754. Based on an moderate activity level (exercise 3-5x/wk) your TDEE is 2258.

    TDEE - 15% = 1919
    TDEE - 20% = 1806

    You are currently eating UNDER your BMR, resulting in no weight loss and possible weight gain.
  • vickilynnbillings
    vickilynnbillings Posts: 5 Member
    Don't scream yet!!! Had this same thing happen to me. I was so frustrated. Then someone explained to me (and IDK if it's true but it sure made sense to me) that the working out increases muscle mass. Muscle weighs more that fat. But the increased muscle will cause increased fat burning in the long run. So, although you may notice an increase in weight at the beginning, its actually a good thing if it is increasing muscle. Hope this helps!
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    I think I'm eating between TDEE and BMR.

    You think, but do you know?

    I've checked before and yes. TDEE is 2610 and 1786.95 is my BMI for the weight I'm at now. So, I should be eating at least 1700?
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    Also, don't only eat one meal a day. Try to eat 3 healthy meals (watch your portion size) and 3 healthy snacks, like an apple, or a piece of cheese. Let your body know it's not starving. I can't see your diary... How is your sugar intake?

    ^^^This. Eat more than once a day. It was explained to me that when you dump a bunch of food on your belly after not eating all day, the food does not always burn away quickly. It may even turn to fat, for your body has reduced your metabolism to match the lack of food. Imagine a fire that is smoldering and you place a large log on it. It doesn't burn that log quickly and quite often not at all. However, if you keep adding smaller pieces of wood or kindling, then the fire burns all of the wood quickly.

    We are similar in size and weight, but I am 48 years of age and you should be losing as much as I have. I have lost 13 lbs since the end of February. How am I doing it? I am watching my sugar intake due to the fact my body works better with lower sugar and higher protein. I still have fruit, I just limit myself to no more than two servings a day. Also, are you measuring your servings? It is so easy to go over on ounces, I was shocked out how little one serving of lunch meat is.

    Get yourself a HRM that shows you how many calories you actually burn. You may be under-eating for the amount of energy you actually burn.

    Also, water lots of water!!!

    Another thing to consider is that your hormones or thyroid may be out of sync. I would schedule an appointment with a physician to have those checked, especially if you do not respond to any adjustments to your eating.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    I think I'm eating between TDEE and BMR.

    You think, but do you know?

    Based on your info (25yo female, 5'6", 217lbs) and guestimating your body fat % @ 35, your BMR is 1754. Based on an moderate activity level (exercise 3-5x/wk) your TDEE is 2258.

    TDEE - 15% = 1919
    TDEE - 20% = 1806

    You are currently eating UNDER your BMR, resulting in no weight loss and possible weight gain.

    Blah if she's eating a NET of 1530 her GROSS with exercise calories likely IS 1806-1919.

    Just hang in there hun, I've platued for long periods but usually when the weight moves after a long period of not moving, it really moves fast :) Edited: Protein, make sure you're getting enough. If you can't up your weights over the appropriate time, or run faster etc., you need to either up your cal/protein or both.
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    I'm 5'6" and 164 lbs; I eat 1995 cals a day.... I think you need to eat.... I am not sure you are figuring out your numbers properly and an open diary allows people to help as well

    edit to add:

    and what's the big deal if she wants to eat a big meal a day? If it works for her and she is meeting macros??