Insanity+running on the treadmill=better results???

I m doing insanity for 3 weeks,and i also have a gym membership..i also have free time to do both of them and im also fat:)) (150 pounds 168 cm) if i m doing insanity and run on the treadmill for an hour every day, i will lose more weight or it s too much? I m not very tired,so i can do both.i m afraid that i will mess it up and not doing anything right for my body. Any sugestions?


  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    So, you're not very tired while doing Insanity yet the super in shape people in the video are stopping to take breaks while Shaun T pushes on?

    Totally a guess here, but you can probably push harder during your Insanity videos. I mean, you CAN do both but it's a lot to sustain for a long period of time. are going to do Insanity for 3 months or you've been doing Insanity for 3 months? Big difference. If you clarify, better direction can be given. :)
  • laylaness
    laylaness Posts: 262 Member
    So, you're not very tired while doing Insanity yet the super in shape people in the video are stopping to take breaks while Shaun T pushes on?

    Totally a guess here, but you can probably push harder during your Insanity videos. I mean, you CAN do both but it's a lot to sustain for a long period of time. are going to do Insanity for 3 months or you've been doing Insanity for 3 months? Big difference. If you clarify, better direction can be given. :)


    Also, Insanity is a 2-month program and is mostly cardio. Doing more cardio is alright, but you could try lifting instead.
  • hellenn25
    hellenn25 Posts: 48
    WEEKS!!!!sooory 3 weeks not months
  • hellenn25
    hellenn25 Posts: 48
    I m doing the best i can in insanity,after that i m resting a little bit,i refuel my body and i feel like i wanna do i take the rest of my energy at the gym.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I m doing the best i can in insanity,after that i m resting a little bit,i refuel my body and i feel like i wanna do i take the rest of my energy at the gym.

    First, you're still on month 1, so you *may* be okay doing this but during month 2, it will NOT be sustainable for somebody that's not in tip-top shape. I consider myself to be in pretty good shape (I mean, I don't run marathons or anything) and I would be robbing Peter to pay Paul if, in month 2, I was tacking on additional workouts. It may be fine the first day, but by day 5 or 6, your body will have a hard time doing as much as it would have been able to do without the additional workout. I explained that like crap so let me know if you didn't get it.

    My advice (for what it's worth) is to just chill for a sec. Insanity is a GOOD program and you WILL get results. Depending on where you are starting from, you WILL NOT LOOK LIKE A FITNESS model in 60 days. It takes time. If you make your workouts way too hard, you won't stick with it. You'll either physically give up, or you'll get discouraged (we all do. We ALL DO) at the lack of not looking like a fitness model after working SO hard and give up. Just finish Insanity and then get another game plan going for your new fitness level. Everything is gonna be OH-KIZZAY.
  • hellenn25
    hellenn25 Posts: 48
    Ook i think i m gonna relax and take it easy with just insanity.after that i will go to the gym..i m just very excited to lose weight and i wanna do it FAST!!:))like everybody else.Thanks for advices.