Any vegans out there?



  • VeganSurfer
    VeganSurfer Posts: 383 Member
    Vegan here! Open diary, feel free to add :smile:
  • inkwithgold
    inkwithgold Posts: 21 Member
    So glad to see this topic here! I am not a vegan, but am making a round-about turn back to vegetarianism.

    After a conversation I had with a cousin last fall, I decided to give it a go, started on October 11th. I found that my blood sugar improved AND my cholesterol dropped. :-) Over time, I started to re-incorporate eggs, and fish, into my diet and for the past few months I've been doing this at least once a week. I had also been eating fried burritos (I know, can you say diet killer?), which I had presumed was refried beans and spices. Yesterday, I had two bad experiences - one was with the little burrito bombs (um...bean burritos should not come with gristle!) and the second was with a take-away order of fish and chips that was under-cooked and 'chewy' in a way that it should not have been. It frustrated (and sickened) me enough to where I just don't want to go 'there' anymore. It's not worth it.

    I do not know if I will ever become a vegan, but I respect y'all that are - it takes real effort, and commitment. As for me, I feel that for every day that I go without eating meat my carbon footprint becomes a little smaller.

    If anyone on this thread would like to add me, that would be swell! Two of my besties on here are both omniivores and don't quite 'get' where I'm coming from, and it would be nice to have other MFPrs on my page that do.

  • vampvegan
    vampvegan Posts: 9 Member
    for ground "beef" you can soak walnuts in water or broth overnight, then season like hell with your fave flavors and process in your food processor, sautee w. garlic n onions and it makes a tasty taco, etc...
  • Tiffanie0407
    Tiffanie0407 Posts: 112
    i am one feel free to add
  • doreedawn
    doreedawn Posts: 11 Member
    Currently, I stay mostly plant strong (which translates to eating mostly "vegan" foods and even raw a huge amount of the time). I've had some terrible go-arounds about calling my diet "mostly vegan" on some forums so I won't say it for now. I haven't really seen that here on MFP so "Yay!" for that.

    My reasons are ethical as well as for my health. I shouldn't have un-fermented soy products and my boyfriend can't have gluten so we tend towards the raw recipes because usually those are both left out. I cook eggs for the boyfriend when he's here but otherwise try to leave out animal products as much as I can.

    I've been sprouting my nuts and legumes recently and really enjoying the results and knowing I'm eating "living foods". We're also incorporating many cultured and fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kimchi to help our gut health. I'm going to try making some of the nut cheese recipes I have here soon so I'm trying some Rejuvalac recipes (with quinoa and buckwheat instead of wheatberries) so I can try making the fancy, cultured kind. We've had huge success with a raw, fermented sriracha substitute.

    I have tons of recipes both cooked and raw if anyone ever wants to share. You can add me if you like, too :)
  • for ground "beef" you can soak walnuts in water or broth overnight, then season like hell with your fave flavors and process in your food processor, sautee w. garlic n onions and it makes a tasty taco, etc...

    Wow that's a great idea!! I've done refried black beans for tacos, fried up black bean paste, etc, but never walnuts.

    @Doreedawn let me know how your nut cheese recipes turn out! I'm still a bit nervous to try them but really want to.

    I wish my grandmother were here, I'd have her whip me up a massive batch of kimchi omnomnom. And she doesn't use fish sauce when she makes it (Which yes, I do occasionally eat fish, but I hate a fishy tasting kimchi :X)
  • firstjog11
    firstjog11 Posts: 58 Member
    bump for later:wink: