Just a reflection of Personal Motivation

Reclecting today on personal motivation. Trying to decide where I want to go in life. How do you use personal motivation to motivate yourself carrer wise, academically, personal relationships,exercise,healthy lifestyle etc? Really trying to push myself to get to a different place in life. Somtimes I feel its all a fruitless effort because we are all going to die in the end (gruesome I know), but then I think this if your only life, what are you going to do with it? Feel like I dont spend enough time with my son, but dont get enough time for myself.Dont even get me started on my relationship with my husband. Not happy where I am career wise but then think all we do is work for money to give it to somebody else. Want to be my own person, my own boss. I am so introverted sometimes , I would rather work by myself. Does anybody else deal with this? I just feel stuck right now.


  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    Start small, and start with yourself personally. A happier you means you're better able to address the other areas and people in your life.

    What would you consider to be enough time for yourself each day?
    What would you like to do with this time?
    What can you do to carve that time out for yourself?