WANTED: Recipes using CousCous

sonnacchio Posts: 57 Member
OK - went to Wegmans tonight for dinner and had their couscous salad on top of a bed of spinach - OH MY - YUMMY! But do you think I can find the recipe? Nope! Anyway, it was very simple - feta and spinach with lemon or lime juice. I think I could probably throw something together but am looking for some tried and true recipes. Couscous is a new and strange food to me. In fact, I bought my first container of it tonight after sampling it at the salad bar!

Thanks for your help!


  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Cous cous to me is a catch-all for cleaning out the fridge :laugh: I like to saute or roast veggies and add them to it along with spices, possibly a little butter, and low sodium chicken stock. If I'm feeling frisky I'll add a few chicken chunks.

    I like to go to tastespotting.com. Type cous cous in the search bar and you can look at all sorts of tasty pics and pick one you like. Click on the pic and it takes you to a website. Simple as that!
  • ahertel0214
    ahertel0214 Posts: 244 Member
    Last weekend I cooked our whole wheat couscous in chicken broth, then added pine nuts, sliced green olives, dried cranberries, and a lemons worth of lemon juice. It was a hit with our guests!
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    This one has nutritional facts and all. Looks pretty much like what you said :)

  • bksteve26
    bksteve26 Posts: 216 Member
    Take cous cous and cook 1/3 cup. Sautee zucchini, onion, and bell pepper chopped with oil and spices. Add an 8 oz can of tomato sauce and a can of great northern beans, drained, to your veggies. Cook that up until the tomato sauce is well mixed in and bubbles a little bit. Take the mixture off the flame and add the cous cous. Mix well. Then add 1/3 cup of fat free feta and mix it up. Hollow out a tomato and put some of the mixture in and then BAM! The most delicious cous cous recipe ever! YOURE WELCOME IN ADVANCE!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I like to just saute onions and garlic and add it to cooked cous cous with fresh halfed baby tomatoes on top with lime juice, and some salt and pepper to taste.
  • dulcy
    dulcy Posts: 69 Member
    Cous Cous Salad that I get asked to make to take to BBq's etc

    Make up plain cous cous with vegetable/chicken stock

    Add 1 finely chopped red bell pepper
    1 finely chopped red onion
    1 finely chopped yellow pepper
    a similar quantity of finely chopped cucumber
    a good handful of fresh chopped herbs (I like corriander & flat leaf parsley)

    Mix equal parts lime juice & light olive oil (about 2tbls (30ml) each)
    season with salt & pepper to taste

    Mix the salad veggies to the cous cous, Add the dressing & serve with whatever you fancy!!
    You could add feta & make it a meal in itself
  • sonnacchio
    sonnacchio Posts: 57 Member
    Wow! Thank you all SOOOO much! I can't wait to start trying all of these recipes - I couldn't believe how good such a simple item tasted! I love MFP - what a great place to get information on these types of things!
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    Bumping ... I just discovered Couscous and needs more ideas

    Tonight I was goig to make CHicken Veggie stir fry, then pan fry some Onions, Zuccinni, Peppers, with CousCouse and some Water and use it as rice

    Is it a good replacement for rice? dietary wise ?
  • gingermoon
    gingermoon Posts: 239 Member
    This should be close to the one you were looking for.

    Spinach and Couscous with Feta Cheese
    1 12 ounce box couscous (about 1 1/2 cups)
    2 1/4 cups vegetable broth
    1 onion, chopped
    1/2 tsp garlic, minced
    1 tbsp lemon juice
    1 tsp oregano
    1 bunch fresh spinach
    1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
    In a saucepan, combine the couscous and broth and cook as directed.
    In a separate skillet, sautee the onion and garlic until tender. Stir in the lemon juice and oregano. Add spinach, cooking only until wilted.
    Toss the cooked couscous with the spinach mixture, and sprinkle with feta cheese.