wanting to lose 10 pounds is just as important to one person



  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    The last ten are Soooooo hard because your body fights like mad to keep it on. It took going to the gym 6 times a week and eating so carefully to even get 1/2lb a week to budge.

    I saw a before and after post today from someone who lost a huge amount of weight and I just sat back in amazement at that level of achievement, she looked GREAT!

    I am simply in awe of anyone able to do that kind of transformation and it puts my 45lb lost into a whole different perspective :smile:

    was it me ? lol:bigsmile:

    Yes it was... I bow down to such an amazing effort! :flowerforyou:
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    as wanting to lose 100 + pounds.
    I realized that last summer, one of my bestest friends ( I know that is not a word, lol) when we started working out, she wanted to lose 10 pounds, and only from her did I learn how important 10 pounds is to someone IT means just as much to that person, and wanting to lose 100 + pounds was to me.
    I use to hate ( not really, but you know) people who would complain about needing to lose 10 pounds, I mean REALLY?? 10 pounds, your saying that to ME, the person who needs to lose 150+ pounds?? and you can sleep at night?? BUT, the more weight I lost, the more I realized how important EACH AND EVERY pound is. then I met Jenn, and realized wanting to lose that 10 pounds is just as important. She works at this just as hard, and kills it at the gym 5 or 6 times a week. she isnt one who says I want to lose 10 pounds and does nothing about it, she does something about it.
    People say to me now, "you dont need to lose any more weight" and I kindly say, " yes I do" without going into detail about the fat still on my stomach and arms, and the jiggly butt. YES I DO. and I hope someone who says that to me will one day understand how important these last 19 pounds are to me, Just as important as the first 166.

    I didnt mean to make this about me, I just want everyone to understand what I learned last summer. The next time someone complains about wanting to lose 10 pounds, try to understand where they are coming from. its such a great thing to understand. and not cause your there too ( cause last summer, I was FAR From there) but just to understand cause we are all on this weight loss journey together, no matter how much we want to lose. :flowerforyou:


    You know, I never looked at it that way. Thanks for this post, it has changed my perspective.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Thanks so much for posting this! I am amazed by the large losses and I do feel lucky that I've never had more than about 30 lbs to lose, but each of those pounds has been important to me and has represented a piece of personal development.
  • JessicaPahl
    JessicaPahl Posts: 48
    that was well said and very refreshing!..everyones body is different and people carry there weight differently.. thanks:flowerforyou:
  • PureAndHealthy
    Isn't perspective funny? I've been from squeezing into size 20's to being comortable in size 8's and everything in between.. currently leaning towards the 12 side of 10/12... which is a funny size to be. I've been disheartened when someone gave me clothes they thought I could wear that were 16/18's, and yet felt unfairly judged when others made comments about how I was so thin I couldn't possibly understand what it was like to *really* need to lose weight. You're very right that we don't need to be sitting around discrediting one another's goals and progresses, but rather supporting eachother on the journey towards better health... no matter where we are on that journey. I'm less than 10 pounds from a healthy BMI, but would like to lose more like 30 pounds... and each one of those pounds make a difference!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    When I had 70-60-50 pounds to lose I'd read these posts from people sniveling about how hard it is to lose 10 and I'd just roll my eyes. "Boo-hoo,,, cry me a river pencilneck :laugh: ".

    But,,, I've been working on my "last 15" since christmas, and I gotta tell ya', they're clingy and it's hard. I'm pretty happy, and I won't say that this last bit is as important as the first bit was,,, but it's pretty important to me. I'm 'almost' where I want to be.
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    Really good point. I'm one of those, the most I've put on has been maybe 20 lbs overweight and the last 10 lbs are very hard to lose and mean allot. It's usually that 10 lbs that separates someone from flab to fit and everybody wants to be fit.
  • last25
    last25 Posts: 83
    Thanks so much for posting this! I am amazed by the large losses and I do feel lucky that I've never had more than about 30 lbs to lose, but each of those pounds has been important to me and has represented a piece of personal development.

    My sentiments exactly! :drinker:

    Thanks for posting this Tami it was awesome to read :flowerforyou:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    First congratulations on your weight loss - that is a great accomplishment. Seond thank you for your post. I have been having a problem with the 10 pound thing for awhile. Your post made me feel so much better. I am going to stick to it and try even harder to lose it. Thank you!!!
  • tiffvea
    tiffvea Posts: 51
    WELL SAID!!! You are truly an inspiration on so many levels....thanks!:smile:
  • amillionmegs
    amillionmegs Posts: 59 Member
    WOW thank you so much for posting this! I'm so glad someone understands. I hate it when people tell me "oh you don't need to lose weight". I can still afford to lose 10-15 lbs and still be healthy (and a lot happier) and its the last 10 lbs that are so hard to lose! gahh.
  • cardswimmom
    cardswimmom Posts: 71
    I like to say, "you don't see them naked" when someone comments about another person wanting to lose 10 lbs. I hear what you are saying, but it's taken me years to figure that one out.
    Keep up the good work!!
    Soooo true, this is exactly what I think when people say I don't need to lose any more!!!!!:smile:
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    If you had to lose 200 lbs, and now you only have to lose 20lbs....you will realize how it is not the same.

    I know and understand how people feel when they need to lose a little weight. I have to lose about 20 more lbs and I have been stuck around this weight for a long time. It has been driving me crazy, but I feel 1000x better than when I had to lose a massive amount of weight.

    The only way to truly understand is if you were that heavy as to where you had to lose 100 lbs compared to 10.

    Its much better to be stuck in a rut when you look "average" than being stuck and you are the biggest person wherever you go.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I have struggled with my weight my whole life, meaning I have fought to NOT gain what some of you are trying to lose or already have lost. People say you do not need to lose weight, well like the others above have said you do not see me naked ! I am working on losing 10 pounds and it is probably harder (this is not meant as an insult to anyone) than your 10 pounds because for years without knowing it I have had a "major" hormone imbalance which includes my thyroid . I am now taking med. for hypothyroidism but it has not helped in the weightloss area (at least I am NOT gaining either) but the med's do make me feel a little better about life and my other symptoms have improved! I workout like a mad dog, log my cals and drink my water and I rarely lose weight! If God told me I would never lose a pound nor will I ever gain a pound I would be ok with that! I do my best and I know what it is like to work on losing 10 pounds and when I see you all losing those high amounts of weight I am soooooo proud of you, that is soooo awesome!!! Stay with me at working on those 10 pounds!!! Best wishes!!
  • mommyjen7
    mommyjen7 Posts: 12
    i've gone from 95 to 140 and back again a dozen times. Starving myself to keep at below 100 for periods of time for decades...Now, I am trying to come to terms with being larger than that for good.... I'm trying to be ok with 105 but my mind fights it. Plus, now I cannot seem to stay below 110 for more than a day. I either eat.... or I dont eat. I'm getting much better in my old age (-: but a hoping that being accountable on line and finding others who want to not only lose 5-10 pounds but more importantly STAY at the weight will finally help me get out of this cycle. Its really hard when others are telling you that you dont need to lose any when you know what you are comfortable with (especially when you are not very tall..)
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    If you had to lose 200 lbs, and now you only have to lose 20lbs....you will realize how it is not the same.

    I know and understand how people feel when they need to lose a little weight. I have to lose about 20 more lbs and I have been stuck around this weight for a long time. It has been driving me crazy, but I feel 1000x better than when I had to lose a massive amount of weight.

    The only way to truly understand is if you were that heavy as to where you had to lose 100 lbs compared to 10.

    Its much better to be stuck in a rut when you look "average" than being stuck and you are the biggest person wherever you go.

    I know this is old, but I tend to not agree with you at all. IT is JUST as hard, I am not talking about how you feel, I am talking about how hard it is, and how much it means to someone . you wanting to lose those last 10 pesky pounds doesnt ( Shouldnt) mean any less than the person next to you wanting to lose 100 pounds. Those pounds are just as important to each of you. If they are not, you do not want it bad enough.