Super frustrated...please help

Hi I've been trying to lose weight for about 2 years now...i lost 30 lbs right away and then hit a block...I workout 6 days a week... an hour to an hour and half...ive completed, all jillian michaels dvds, insanity, p90x, hip hop abs, turbo jam, yoga, zumba, running, weight training and currently doing Jillians body revolution + les mill body combat + squat challenge + running...i eat healthy and usually get about 1500 calories in... I seem to just be building muscle under the fat and the fat is NOT going anywhere...I've gotten tested almost a year ago and had a perfect bill of health! how do i get rid of this fat?????


  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    Do you eat 1500 total regardless of how many calories you burn or do you eat back your exercise calories for a net intake of 1500? That would be a huge impact. Honestly, if you are exercising as intensely as you are describing, you need to eat more
    Check this out:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Hi I've been trying to lose weight for about 2 years now...i lost 30 lbs right away and then hit a block...I workout 6 days a week... an hour to an hour and half...ive completed, all jillian michaels dvds, insanity, p90x, hip hop abs, turbo jam, yoga, zumba, running, weight training and currently doing Jillians body revolution + les mill body combat + squat challenge + running...i eat healthy and usually get about 1500 calories in... I seem to just be building muscle under the fat and the fat is NOT going anywhere...I've gotten tested almost a year ago and had a perfect bill of health! how do i get rid of this fat?????

    Are you very old or very short? I can't imagine MFP or the Beachbody insructions have you eating so few calories while doing things like Insanity, Body combat or P90X.

    How long has it been since you lost any weight? Have you lost any inches during that time? Do you have higher/lower calorie days or are you consistently at 1500 total? Have you been checked for a hormonal problem?

    You shouldn't gain much muscle if you are eating a deficit, though you may hold some water in your muscles. Also, you should lose weight if you are in a deficit. But it's unlikely that 1500 is not a deficit for you.

    My guess is that you are not accurately counting/reporting your calories.
  • RebeccaLeinen
    RebeccaLeinen Posts: 110 Member
    I'm almost 29 years old, and i'm 5'7

    im about 1500-1600 a day... and thats an improvement for me... i use to get only around 1000-1200... i eat alot of veggies so getting numbers up there is hard...i only use this site to record... i count my own calories based on the package and serving sizes so i can't imagine them being off...

    this site says to eat about 2000-2500 calories...but when i did that i gained 10 lbs...and can't get them off! :( i've been to drs, nutritionists, wellness centers, personal trainers... no one has been able to give me a solution... i'm just beyond frustrated and have actually been contemplating surgery because my size seriously effects everything i do
  • luckyjuls
    luckyjuls Posts: 505 Member
    Maybe the 2000 won't work, but something above 1500 would?
  • ellaloveslove
    ellaloveslove Posts: 166 Member
    Do you eat 1500 total regardless of how many calories you burn or do you eat back your exercise calories for a net intake of 1500? That would be a huge impact. Honestly, if you are exercising as intensely as you are describing, you need to eat more
    Check this out:

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm almost 29 years old, and i'm 5'7

    im about 1500-1600 a day... and thats an improvement for me... i use to get only around 1000-1200... i eat alot of veggies so getting numbers up there is hard...i only use this site to record... i count my own calories based on the package and serving sizes so i can't imagine them being off...

    this site says to eat about 2000-2500 calories...but when i did that i gained 10 lbs...and can't get them off! :( i've been to drs, nutritionists, wellness centers, personal trainers... no one has been able to give me a solution... i'm just beyond frustrated and have actually been contemplating surgery because my size seriously effects everything i do

    If you've been eating that low for an extended period, it's possible that your BMR (basal metabolic rate) is lower than average. How long has it been since you increased to 1500-1600? If it's been less than a month, I'd give it another month, then increase another 200. Give each change at least a month for your body to adjust.

    Be patient. Once your body realizes that it's being properly fed, your BMR should raise and you should begin losing again.

    During this time, focus getting enough protein and fat. A lot of veggies is a good thing, but you need protein for muscle and fat for satiety.
  • chrissy486
    chrissy486 Posts: 1 Member
    try to trick your body like eat not so healthy (meaning take more cals in than burned) and skip some exercise for a day of two then exercise and eat healthy for the next 3 or 4 days and repeat. Also do different exercises each time like walk 1 day for a hour next day do Jillian next day do yoga. Try also to eat right one day without exercise. The point is to find ways to trick your body. Also watch your salt sugar and carb intake. Choose your foods wisely. No fried or fast food, no white foods. Find out how much per day for your weight and height and follow it closely as far as the sugar carb salt intake goes. Also eat most your cals at breakfast and lunch and cut off the after dinner snack. Eat your dairy foods in the first half of the day. If that doesn't work get jillian's master your metabolism book because it could be hormonal. Good luck don't give up. I was at the same weight for over a year and did what I just mentioned and it really kicked my body into gear again.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    I'm almost 29 years old, and i'm 5'7

    im about 1500-1600 a day... and thats an improvement for me... i use to get only around 1000-1200... i eat alot of veggies so getting numbers up there is hard...i only use this site to record... i count my own calories based on the package and serving sizes so i can't imagine them being off...

    this site says to eat about 2000-2500 calories...but when i did that i gained 10 lbs...and can't get them off! :( i've been to drs, nutritionists, wellness centers, personal trainers... no one has been able to give me a solution... i'm just beyond frustrated and have actually been contemplating surgery because my size seriously effects everything i do

    how long did you eat at 2000-2500? for some people, you don't see an instant drop on the scale once you really start fueling your body. for some, you have to go through a re-feed phase and you end up gaining weight. basically you have to convince your body that you won't deprive it of food again before it will begin to release fat.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Not sure how old are you - but have you had your hormones tested. I started gaining weight despite everything I did right - and found out that it was not only my thyroid but hormones as well. Now that I'm working again on those issues, my weight is dropping and it's more body fat than it is weight that I'm losing. It's amazing how the outside the box things make a difference sometimes.
  • RebeccaLeinen
    RebeccaLeinen Posts: 110 Member
    thank you all!!! i will def try these suggestions!
  • lovingangel4uau
    lovingangel4uau Posts: 78 Member
    If all else fails I suggest you read the Curves book. This gives an outline what to eat depending if u need lest carbs or calories depending on your body type. Also how to kick start your body to lose weight. It also has load of other information.
  • laurenh729
    laurenh729 Posts: 16 Member
    i was having the same problem, i wasnt weighing my food before i logged (measured by looking at it) realizing even my cereal was more like 1 1/4 serving, which adds up. Also, I work nights.. nothing being consistant for sleep (its SOO important) had a week off and sleep 8, 9hrs a night and dropped 4lbs in one week!! keep trying little changes, change up your routines and dont get discouraged!! even if the weight isnt falling off, you are doing things to make you heathier in other ways (i know how frustrating it can be! i also lost 35 VERY quickly and then hit a huge plateau!) keep at it!
  • SarahSmilesCA
    SarahSmilesCA Posts: 261 Member
    Sorry you feel so frustrated! I have been in your shoes. I found out I had a major thyroid problem.

    I would try a couple of things. First off, take a break from cardio exercise for 2 weeks and get your thyroid checked, especially your free t3, not just your tsh. Sounds like you have a thyroid issue. If you are low in thyroid cardio can actually deplete T3 and stall your weight loss. Google T3 and Cardio for more info.

    Next increase heavy lifting. You should be lifting so hard that 2 or 3 sets of 10 reps is nearly impossible. Look at the book "New Rules for Lifting for Women". It explains a lot of the reason why heavier lifting and less cardio can re-composition a woman's body.

    Your macro-nutrients do effect your body composition. Are you eating enough protein, too many carbs, not enough healthy fat? All this can effect weight loss.

    I am a big fan of intermittent fasting, especially the 16/8 format recommended by many weightlifters online. It might help. Google for more info.

    Good luck!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I'm almost 29 years old, and i'm 5'7

    im about 1500-1600 a day... and thats an improvement for me... i use to get only around 1000-1200... i eat alot of veggies so getting numbers up there is hard...i only use this site to record... i count my own calories based on the package and serving sizes so i can't imagine them being off...

    this site says to eat about 2000-2500 calories...but when i did that i gained 10 lbs...and can't get them off! :( i've been to drs, nutritionists, wellness centers, personal trainers... no one has been able to give me a solution... i'm just beyond frustrated and have actually been contemplating surgery because my size seriously effects everything i do

    What does the last year of food journal, body measurements, weight measurements, bp, resting heart rates, and activity levels show? This is important data for you to analyze. You need hard information, and it needs to be referenced directly against your RMR.

    Do you weigh all intake? When you work out, do you go through the motions or pound it hard? Have you analyzed your starting versus your current ability levels with your work outs or other activities?

    When was the last time you had proper rest and recovery time? Has your general practitioner reviewed you for overtraining symptoms?