Want to stop hating myself, time for a change!!

So I'm over weight and un-happy, I started to exercise and lost some weight and it felt great! Then life happened and I started putting everyone off and pushed to the side. I gained all my hard work back! I went to weigh today at my sister in law's and the scale just kept saying Error. Now I'm really depressed, but at the same time I am angry.
I'm angry enough to fix it, and to motivate myself to be better, to be healthier and to be happy. This is going to be a long long and did I mention long road. It will be hard, and I'll stumble along the way but I have to do it, and this needs to be done! So friends I am asking for advice and support. If I don't check in...yell at me to work at it, share your tips and success with me and I shall do the same!

Who's with me?!?


  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Please don't hate yourself. There are a lot of reasons people get to be overweight. Seriously focus on eating a bit better, more veggies, and portion control. I lost a bit of weight just doing that for six months. Like you I don't know what I weighed when I started. That was back in October and six months later I landed here.

    It's ok to not change everything at once. I was so heavy I could barely walk. I am still pretty heavy and still having problems walking, but it is better, my joints don't hurt as much so I don't dread walking so much anymore.

    I just added more fiber to my diet and it made a big difference in my cravings. As in I don't usually crave anything anymore. I get hungry then I go make something to eat. I mostly don't eat junk. When I do eat junk it's because I am out and about and can't find a meal and it's to tide me over so I don't get ravenous. I hate when that happens cuz junk doesn't taste nearly as good as it used to.

    Also please see a doctor. I didn't want to do that for a long time and it cost me a whole lot in terms of my health. I could have possibly avoided getting diabetes if I had gone sooner. But, it could have been worse it was caught in time that I might not get to the point of needing insulin. Anyway there are a lot of issues you could have and it's better to know what they are get those issues fixed and take the time to figure out what works for you.