SO SORE (I feel like I can't move!) *30 Day Shred Related*



  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    By day 3 your soreness should be nearly gone.
  • likeabanner
    likeabanner Posts: 88 Member
    I did it last week. I got to day 5 and now I have a partial tear in my meniscus. I started feeling pain during jumping jacks and stopped doing that. I guess little ol' level one was TOO much on my legs. For my health and safety, I will not be going forward with the rest of 30DS. I will tell you that I felt like I was dying after the first 2 workouts (so day 2 and 3). By the 4th day, I was okay. No pain whatsoever. But I had a majorly hard time going up/down stairs and sitting on a toilet, lol! I just won't do this workout anymore because I am not risking a serious injury over a silly DVD. I will stick with cardio and strength training at the gym.
  • tinarex
    tinarex Posts: 25 Member
    Starting 30 day shred was the first working out I did after mainly elliptical on and off for awhile, so day 1 killed my muscles. In that good "oh yeah something is changing" way, but killed nonetheless. I took a day or 2 off and was able to finish out the rest of level 1 with no problem and no more break days.

    Level 2...I hate. Only 4 days left till Level 3 thankfully. But as someone who is out of shape AND overweight I can say that it is definitely doable!
  • jainm1234
    jainm1234 Posts: 49 Member
    So, for those of you who said take a day or two off... Do you restart you 30 day clock OR do you just stop on day 3 and then pick it up 4 days later and call it day 4? Just trying to figure out how that would work :)
  • KaraLikeCareuh
    KaraLikeCareuh Posts: 10 Member
    Well I pushed through and did Day 3! I am less sore after doing it, but I have trouble with the stairs and sitting down on the toilet as someone above mentioned haha. I soaked in the hot tub last night, that seemed to help. Onto Day 4 tomorrow, going to keep pushing. I guess it's true what they say NO PAIN NO GAIN!! Thanks for all the advice <3
  • tinarex
    tinarex Posts: 25 Member
    So, for those of you who said take a day or two off... Do you restart you 30 day clock OR do you just stop on day 3 and then pick it up 4 days later and call it day 4? Just trying to figure out how that would work :)

    I personally picked up where I left off. Some people I have seen take regular rest days (the weekend or 1/2 other days during the week). I don't think there's anything wrong with doing that- better to listen to your body if it needs rest than push yourself to the point of possible injury or exhaustion. I could see starting over if you are just starting and really want to do the 30 days in a row (I wanted to do this but realized there were just some days I couldn't do it for one reason or another). But once you get into it, a rest day is a silly reason to erase all the progress you've made so far!
  • jainm1234
    jainm1234 Posts: 49 Member
    So, for those of you who said take a day or two off... Do you restart you 30 day clock OR do you just stop on day 3 and then pick it up 4 days later and call it day 4? Just trying to figure out how that would work :)

    I personally picked up where I left off. Some people I have seen take regular rest days (the weekend or 1/2 other days during the week). I don't think there's anything wrong with doing that- better to listen to your body if it needs rest than push yourself to the point of possible injury or exhaustion. I could see starting over if you are just starting and really want to do the 30 days in a row (I wanted to do this but realized there were just some days I couldn't do it for one reason or another). But once you get into it, a rest day is a silly reason to erase all the progress you've made so far!

    Thank you!! I appreciate your help! :D
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Though I challenged myself to do 30 days straight, just to do it for myself, really it's good to take breaks. It allows your muscles to repair. When you're lifting weights, you're actually making them weaker and causing tears in the muscle. When you rest, your muscles heal and it's the HEALING process that makes the muscles stronger.
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    according to my trainer, the 2nd day is the worst because your muscles are healing from the trauma you put them through. Most especially, if you have not been exercising regularly before.
  • bnorris2013
    bnorris2013 Posts: 256 Member
    I am feeling the burn myself on day 2 of the 30 day shred guess i will just try some ice and work thru it as i dont want to give up

    i can feel it in my arms but it does not bother me much

    my legs though getting up and down is really the man thing once i start moving around it gets better as long as i dont need to squat for something LOL
  • christy7322
    christy7322 Posts: 31
    This happened to me too and I live in a 3 story townhome :cry: . I didn't leave the ground floor for a couple of days:) Try getting protein within 15 minutes of finishing your workout and drink plenty of fluids before and after the workout. I took a bath with Epsom salts and after I got out did some light stretching. Still sore, but able to go up the stairs without looking like Frankenstein!
  • GirlyGirl28a
    GirlyGirl28a Posts: 78 Member
    how often do you guys do the 30 day shred per week?
  • laceysowards
    Just push through it, when you exercise it helps with the soreness, but it will be there for a couple days, but it is only a sign that it is working.
  • CoffeeMomJen
    CoffeeMomJen Posts: 1 Member
    What size weights do you guys use for these dvds? I used 3 lbs and I don't think it was enough. Do any of you use 5 lb weights?
  • carom915
    carom915 Posts: 32 Member
    You guys I was sooo sore after the first few days of 30DS that I honestly contemplated whether or not it was something I could do. I think I did 3 or 4 days and then I took a day off, which REALLY helped.

    I also bought a huge think of epsom salts and wrapped my knees with hot compresses soaked in epsom - it was amazing. I've heard that soaking in a bath with epsom salts really helps relieve muscle pain.

    I took sooo much ibuprofen my first few days too... but it really does go away!!! I haven't been sore since the beginning. I completed L3 D8 today!! I'm starting Ripped in 30 on Monday.
  • carom915
    carom915 Posts: 32 Member
    What size weights do you guys use for these dvds? I used 3 lbs and I don't think it was enough. Do any of you use 5 lb weights?

    I started with 3... then I added 5lbs in there.. and now I mostly use 5lbs and add in 8 lbs for some exercises.
  • BajaDreamin333
    BajaDreamin333 Posts: 267 Member
    Stretch! After your workout, before bed, in the morning, before your workout. Invest in some resistance band and lay on the floor with the band under yoyr foot. Go slowly side to side, up and done. Hold each stretch for at least 15 seconds. There are upper body stretches on line. Immediate relief!
  • claire671
    claire671 Posts: 93 Member
    I have just finished the shred and I did it 6 days a week. The rest day was so important for me and I needed to let my muscles recover. So it took 5 weeks to finish the program and I got great results.

    I always did extra stretching at the end of the workout. I have really tight chest and calf muscles so I would make sure I took an extra 5/10 minutes and really stretch those out. This helped so much and was rarely sore the next day. Day 4 is definitely a turning point, if you can get through the first 4 days, you'll do great. Just keep going and if you feel you need to, take a rest day.

    Good luck!

    Edit to add: I used 2KG weights when doing the shred.
  • mimieon
    mimieon Posts: 182 Member
    Take rest days. Jillian Michaels actually tells you to. It is really really important for your muscles.
    Also, do not take ibuprofen, it can actually interfere with muscle recovery and gain.
  • meglettx
    meglettx Posts: 6 Member
    There are mixed opinions on taking days off but personally the thinking I like and find works the best to me is alternating. I only do 30 Day Shred 3X/week and on alternating days I run. This helps those muscles you are working out to repair and rebuild in between. I found the soreness to get better after the first week but off and on I had more throughout the month as I changed levels or whatnot. The second day is ALWAYS the worst. :)