
This weight loss journey is nothing new I have been going through this all my life... the only problem is that I am comfortable where I am even though it is not the healthiest. I know that if i shed these extra pounds that my life would change that should be enough motivation right there but for some reason i need a lil more :(

Fitness pals what are some helpful tips that allowed you to succeed in your own journeys?


  • Mzboop90
    Mzboop90 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Im a 23 Hair stylist trying to live up to my fullest potential in the body God created for me. Looking for more fitness pals add me :wink:
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    You wrote, "I know that if i shed these extra pounds that my life would change"... That really stood out to me... How do you think your life would change? What, exactly would change and WHY? How does loosing weight have any bearing on how you live your life? I used to blame my weight for everything. I used to think my weight was my problem. The reality is, my weight had nothing to do with any of it. My being overweight was merely a symptom of what was going on in my head. Once I got my mind into proper working order, my weight became less and less of a battle. I was able to truly focus on making wise choices that supported a healthy lifestyle not just on loosing weight (and subsequently gaining it all back). Once the focus shifted from an unhealthy relationship with food (my relationship with food was obsessive, compulsive, avoidant and restrictive) to one of nourishing my body and spirit, life became simpler.
    Figure out how you think your life will change merely by a number on the scale versus becoming in tune with your mind and what has caused you to gain weight and possibly use food as a coping mechanism. Our minds are our biggest hurdle. Feel free to check out my blogs... I blogged about my struggles as i was going thru them so i could reflect back and hope to see the emotional and mental progress... And I do!
  • meleani
    meleani Posts: 7
    would love to add you to my friends list -- I'm Meleani -- I'm 55 and working hard, starting today (back at it again....) to lose the 30+ pounds I need to lose to get to my goal weight.
  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    Hi, I sent you a friend request. I understand you. I felt the same way. A weight loss journey is very hard but you can accomplish it.
    What really helped me make a mental shift and this time see this as a lifestyle was following youtubers like divaslimsdown and antishay from weightlosslosers. These people gave me so much insight/knowledge on just the basics of what it takes. I suggest trying to watch them and taking advise from people on here too because this site is awesome..
    But start with baby steps. I started by setting goals and saying I will make my self a 2 egg omlet or healthy oatmeal for breakfast 3 days out of the week and then set out to pack my lunch for 3 days out of the week the night before so I don't skip meals because then I would get home and binge, then if I could accomplish that I added in doing more like getting in a workout 3 times a week and and then did more and more every week as I accomplished what I set out to do. These youtubers share what they ate and I really just modeled after what I could do and afford.I eat more food that I know has protein and fiber and healthy fats. I eat beans, almonds, vegtables, cottage cheese, cheese string, chicken breast, tuna. I started understanding how certain foods spike your insulin and make you feel hungrier faster and to replace those with brown rice, wheat bread, wheat pasta. I had the hardest time getting used to reading labels and seeing what is a serving size and how much calories I was consuming but I kept at it. I use measuring cups and spoons that are tools I never ever used but now do faithfully becuase portion control is key in weight loss and I struggle to this day to watch my portions unless I use them.
    All in all I started a step at a time because its all about behavior changes that will get you to replace an old habit with a new one. Hope one of these things helps you.
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    Hi, I sent you a friend request. I understand you. I felt the same way. A weight loss journey is very hard but you can accomplish it.
    What really helped me make a mental shift and this time see this as a lifestyle was following youtubers like divaslimsdown and antishay from weightlosslosers. These people gave me so much insight/knowledge on just the basics of what it takes. I suggest trying to watch them and taking advise from people on here too because this site is awesome..
    But start with baby steps. I started by setting goals and saying I will make my self a 2 egg omlet or healthy oatmeal for breakfast 3 days out of the week and then set out to pack my lunch for 3 days out of the week the night before so I don't skip meals because then I would get home and binge, then if I could accomplish that I added in doing more like getting in a workout 3 times a week and and then did more and more every week as I accomplished what I set out to do. These youtubers share what they ate and I really just modeled after what I could do and afford.I eat more food that I know has protein and fiber and healthy fats. I eat beans, almonds, vegtables, cottage cheese, cheese string, chicken breast, tuna. I started understanding how certain foods spike your insulin and make you feel hungrier faster and to replace those with brown rice, wheat bread, wheat pasta. I had the hardest time getting used to reading labels and seeing what is a serving size and how much calories I was consuming but I kept at it. I use measuring cups and spoons that are tools I never ever used but now do faithfully becuase portion control is key in weight loss and I struggle to this day to watch my portions unless I use them.
    All in all I started a step at a time because its all about behavior changes that will get you to replace an old habit with a new one. Hope one of these things helps you.
    I agree that MINDFULNESS is key! I have blogged several times on the importance of it... If i didn't become more mindful i am certain that my "diet" would have only lasted a few months. As always... I truly believe i have made lifelong lifestyle changes simply because i am more aware of ME.