Back fat?

What machines at the gym and/or work outs can I do to get rid of it?


  • smartandtrim
    smartandtrim Posts: 123 Member
    You can't target an area of your body to lose fat in- you lose fat at different rates depending on your genetics.
  • skinnytayy
    skinnytayy Posts: 459
    Spot reduction is non-existent. Keep eating at a deficit and it will come off eventually.
  • x3samanthasue
    x3samanthasue Posts: 15 Member
    In my progress photos, my back is the easiest to see change in. Seeing as you're just starting, there's a good chance you'll see a huge reduction in back fat in the first month or so. I did! I look phenomenally different from behind and I was shocked.
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    I just got rid of mine. I couldnt spot reduce, but after 4 weeks of heavy lifting its gone. I would say that played a part, losing bf% you will lose inches,
  • oldy76
    oldy76 Posts: 185 Member
    Over time it will reduce. My back fat used to make me so ashamed and paranoid to wear anything even remotely tight but guess what... now it's completely gone and has even been replaced with a good amount of muscle. Keep working hard and you'll get there!!
    All the best :flowerforyou:
  • pocketmole
    pocketmole Posts: 614 Member
    You also might make sure that you have a properly fitting bra, which can make it look like you have significant back fat when you really don't. Surprisingly enough it's more often a sign that you bra's band is too large, though most people would assume that a band that is too small is what causes the issue. :)
  • Adw7677
    Adw7677 Posts: 201 Member
    If you're worried about back titties, there are some arm movements that will strengthen that area. I've noticed a reduction/firming in the area of my side/back bra strap. I don't know what the machine is called. I sit down, straddling the seat. A thing comes up in front of me. From the side, the seat looks like an L. My arms go out in front - kind of like I''m riding a motorcycle. Feet go on little pegs in front of me - hmm, again like riding a motorcycle. Perhaps this is why I enjoy this machine so much. There are 2 sets of handles - my palms can either face down, or they can face inward. And then I pull the handles towards me. One motion is straight towards me, while the other is slightly outward. The outward motion is much more difficult and, therefore, uses about 20 pounds less on the resistence - this is the one I usually feel in my side area.

    If my description is good enough, one of the gym rats here will be able to Name That Machine for you. I'm not particularly flabby in that area (I don't have back boobs), but like I said, it does noticable firm up when I use that machine regularly.
  • This is the part that sucks. We can tone muscles under the fat of a given area but generally have very limited success at losing fat in the targeted spot; until we have lost the easier fat first. Eat clean food and at a slight deficit and the fat will did not get there overnight so be patient with yourself.
    Excercises for nice toning:
    Assisted wide grip chip-ups
    Lat pull downs -light
    Bent over rows -knee on bench w/dumbell (protect that lower back) love handles. They stayed put and and seemed indestructable through many a spin and zumba class. Then I went radical on my diet and when overall body fat dropped to close to 12% they finally gave up the ghost (mostly :huh: ). Time? 4 1/2 months.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    What machines at the gym and/or work outs can I do to get rid of it?

    You can't spot reduce fat - keep reducing BF and your body will decide where it goes from.

    In terms of working the muscles under the fat so you have good definition when the fat comes off, don't bother with machines. Your back will get an awesome workout from doing deadlifts and pull-ups.
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    If you're worried about back titties, there are some arm movements that will strengthen that area. I've noticed a reduction/firming in the area of my side/back bra strap. I don't know what the machine is called. I sit down, straddling the seat. A thing comes up in front of me. From the side, the seat looks like an L. My arms go out in front - kind of like I''m riding a motorcycle. Feet go on little pegs in front of me - hmm, again like riding a motorcycle. Perhaps this is why I enjoy this machine so much. There are 2 sets of handles - my palms can either face down, or they can face inward. And then I pull the handles towards me. One motion is straight towards me, while the other is slightly outward. The outward motion is much more difficult and, therefore, uses about 20 pounds less on the resistence - this is the one I usually feel in my side area.

    If my description is good enough, one of the gym rats here will be able to Name That Machine for you. I'm not particularly flabby in that area (I don't have back boobs), but like I said, it does noticable firm up when I use that machine regularly.

    LOL @ back titties.
    My 'backfat' was more of the excess skin from losing so much making a small 'roll?' right above my hips. it was more like a crease than a roll, but still bugged the CRAP out of me. I thought it would be there forever from my skin being put through so many pregnancies and weightloss/gain.. but its gone! finally!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    It's taken me losing 80lbs for my back fat to start going. Everywhere else it's gone.... but this took forever to move. No particular exercises... just getting rid of fat.
  • WeightHacker
    WeightHacker Posts: 260 Member
    when losing weight you cant trigger a part of your body to lose the fat. your body will do it on its own.
    but what you can do is work the muscles that is for your back. ask a trainer or someone, or go around the gym to find it.

    ^^ wish you the best with that.
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    If you're worried about back titties, there are some arm movements that will strengthen that area. I've noticed a reduction/firming in the area of my side/back bra strap. I don't know what the machine is called. I sit down, straddling the seat. A thing comes up in front of me. From the side, the seat looks like an L. My arms go out in front - kind of like I''m riding a motorcycle. Feet go on little pegs in front of me - hmm, again like riding a motorcycle. Perhaps this is why I enjoy this machine so much. There are 2 sets of handles - my palms can either face down, or they can face inward. And then I pull the handles towards me. One motion is straight towards me, while the other is slightly outward. The outward motion is much more difficult and, therefore, uses about 20 pounds less on the resistence - this is the one I usually feel in my side area.

    If my description is good enough, one of the gym rats here will be able to Name That Machine for you. I'm not particularly flabby in that area (I don't have back boobs), but like I said, it does noticable firm up when I use that machine regularly.
    Sounds like a row machine... But that wont take care of back fat. It will only build muscle. Diet and cardio burn excess fat. Genetics play a part, too. I used to and still have back fat despite a good loss of weight(over 70 pounds from my heaviest). I ave loose skin on my bra line and my tricep area of my arms. Not much i can do about it except, accept it. So thats what i do.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    What machines at the gym and/or work outs can I do to get rid of it?

    The back fat machine is great for that!
  • RR31892
    RR31892 Posts: 1
    Although it is true that you cannot spot reduce fat you can tighten the muscles below the fat in the area. Try some Dead lifts and Good mornings. It will definitely tighten that up for you. Google those excerises. Good mornings also tighten the glutes and hammys as well!