New girl at a gym full of Men...



  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    the boys wont care they will be to busy with their own stuff! They might even be able to help you out some :)

    This is my experience. I'm often the only woman in the weight room. I'm fine with this because, in my experience, men tend to be more serious about their weights than women are. I go in & do my planned workout. None of us talk much. Once in a while a guy will offer to spot me when needed, sometimes I ask. Sometimes they just do it without saying anything.

    People don't really pay much attention to other people at the gym. Going to the gym is a "me" thing. most peeople are only paying attention to what they are doing. I am always very involved in my workout. Someone once asked me what music they play at my gym & I did not even know if they played music. Next time I went I checked. Yep, there was music. Who knew? lol...
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    (Edit because my pictures aren't cooperating. Links instead.)

    Hey look at me.

    You can only see a few of them here, but that place was full of dudes yesterday.

    See that guy behind me without sleeves?

    He's probably checking out his arms in the mirrors.

    But if he's looking at me, it's because I'm a badarse.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Adding in a guys perspective, it was intimidating for me at first as well. I am not a fan of exercising in front of other people to begin with, but I also get a lot of stares as one of the bigger guys in the gym. There is a lot of pressure to put up big numbers that I am not necessarily ready for. But once I started going, I realized that most of it was in my head and I barely notice others while I am working out anyway.
  • splucy
    splucy Posts: 353
    I find it more challenging when there are heaps of guys in the weight section and I strutt my stuff in there and show them that I too can bench press and do weighted squats! It actually pushes me to take on more weight than I'd usually do... just to show them that I too am strong :) Guys like that!
  • charliehefferon
    charliehefferon Posts: 223 Member
    (Edit because my pictures aren't cooperating. Links instead.)

    Hey look at me.

    You can only see a few of them here, but that place was full of dudes yesterday.

    See that guy behind me without sleeves?

    He's probably checking out his arms in the mirrors.

    But if he's looking at me, it's because I'm a badarse.

    I love this!! Thank you so much!! I'm going to sit down this weekend and start writing out a plan...! Any tips or starting points would be much appreciated!!! :wink:
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Get a plan that's already been written, and that thousands before you have already tested and found success with.
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    That was me last night!

    I shouldn't have wasted anytime worrying. I did my first stronglift workout. If you worried why not book a PT to talk you through it?