Feel the afterburn? But what is it really?

After a good session at the gym I absolutely radiate heat, am pink in the face and just generally can't cool down for an hour at least post shower even though my heart rate has gone back down to normal. It's a good feeling if a little awkward when I want to go to the gym first thing and then look professional at work.

I was just wondering what my body is doing at this point? Is it a sign of burning fat? Burning muscles? Building muslces? Something else?


  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    its your blood flow going quickly around your body, and its trying to self regulate its tempreature, get the oxygen to where it needs to be aswell as everything else.
  • Fivefeetjo
    Fivefeetjo Posts: 59 Member
    Ah well. Even after showering, sweat literally rains down from my forehead.
  • rougenoire
    rougenoire Posts: 114 Member
    It's a good look isn't it ;) I have to have a rest to try and avoid having to dry myself three times over!
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    I'm the same. I stay warm for a couple of hours. A cool shower helps.