How Do you Curb Your Carb Cravings?

I hope you liked that alliteration I did there ;-). I'm a carb addict but know that low carb is the gateway to my weight loss. The instant I started, I lost 12 lbs in about a month. Now, I'm getting the desire to go back to carb eating, especially bread and potatoes, and I'm just wondering how you avoid going back!


  • japage83
    japage83 Posts: 2
    I've been hardcore dieting for only sixteen days (10 lbs down, though!) and I have occaisionally given in to carb cravings without big consequences. One day I ate 43g of Froot Loops. Last Saturday I had fettucini alfredo at Carrabbas.

    One little thing that might suit you is unflavored pork skins with a little melted butter, Splenda, and cinnamon sprinkled on. I still think it tastes a little porky, but my boyfriend liked them. It's sort of like a churro.

    Also, have you tried Oreida baked sweet potato fries with a bunch of salt? They're pretty satisfying!

    If you don't give in a litlte once in a while, you'll go crazy! I'd be insane if I knew I didn't have some tasty carbs coming my way within a week. That's how I make it through all the other 50 or less carb days.

    If nothing else, a carb is 4 calories, so just work off the extra carbs before you eat them so you can enjoy your bread and potatoes guilt-free.

    Good luck!
  • MrsSausage58
    MrsSausage58 Posts: 143 Member
    In short, I don't! I couldn't live without carbs. If I don't eat carbs at almost every meal I feel like I haven't eaten!! Currently losing 2lbs per week so can't be all bad! :happy:
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    Eat them in moderation. Being a vegetarian, I'd be able to eat nothing if I totally ditched carbs. Make sure you always fall within your set macros and you'll be okay. Some carbs do suit me better than others do, in terms of bloating, water retention and constipation. That is up to you to experiment and figure out.
  • Dree3
    Dree3 Posts: 54 Member
    I've been doing low carb for a year now, and I've found that whenever I'm craving something carby, I just make the low-carb equivalent of it. You can adapt just about anything to low-carb, from pizzas to desserts. It requires a little more legwork than just picking up the phone and ordering in, of course, but I've found it's worth it in the long run!
  • mjculbertson4512
    mjculbertson4512 Posts: 157 Member
    Remember this is a marathon, not a sprint. So everything in moderation. Your body needs some carbs everyday to function. That said, we carb lovers still have to get a handle on the cravings. Lots of ways to do it.

    Drink a glass of water and wait twenty minutes
    Leave the area with your tempting carbs
    Chew gum
    Take a shower
    Eat a portien
    You get the idea

    Now, make the carbs you eat count. Measure them, count them in our diary. I have some carbs with each meal. Just not the 5-7 servings a day suggested by the My Plate Club(no offense intended here). Need to loose weight and carbs are my kryptonite.
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    I discovered the Sara Lee Mini Bagels that are only 100 calories each! When I get a major carb craving, I pop one of those bad boys into the toaster, add just a hint of butter, and it makes the craving go away.

    Sometimes, I am aware enough of my craving that I realize it's not a "carb craving" so much as a "Crunch Craving." When I want that satisfaction of crunching into something, I'll cut up a red, yellow, or green bell pepper and crunch to my heart's content.
  • mjculbertson4512
    mjculbertson4512 Posts: 157 Member
    These are great tips, thanks for the question.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I used to have terrible carb cravings, but what has worked for me is to eat 'in balance' every time I eat - (eat a protein, healthy fat and small amount of healthy carb (mostly lower starch veggies, or smaller amount of fruit or starchy veggie, or even smaller amount whole grain food)), and eat every 2-3 hours so I'm never 'starving'... the idea is to keep your blood sugar level more steady instead of having highs and lows from eating too many carbs at one time - because that will just cause you to crave more carbs when your blood sugar drops down again.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I LOVE CARBS!! But, I try to cut them out of my dinners alteast 2 times/week..... and try to use healthier alteratives like Sweet Potato fries instead of regular.... whole grain pasta/bread instead of white.... etc.

    But, again... if you eat it and then just work your tail off in the gym it'll be OK. :)
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I just eat carbs. :) Not what you want to hear probably! I never bothered with going low-carb though. I try to focus on getting a lot of protein, which means that my carb intake doesn't end up being ridiculous, and I have quite a good balance.
  • kinman23
    kinman23 Posts: 13 Member
    I really suggest Carb Nite Solution!! It's a diet NOT a life style but great for shredding fat!!
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    I don't crave them, I eat them. In moderation. I don't believe in cutting food groups out, I think it's ridiculous. Just sayin....
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I hope you liked that alliteration I did there ;-). I'm a carb addict but know that low carb is the gateway to my weight loss. The instant I started, I lost 12 lbs in about a month. Now, I'm getting the desire to go back to carb eating, especially bread and potatoes, and I'm just wondering how you avoid going back!

    glycogen and water prob accounted for most of those 12 lbs
  • Zumbanator
    I've read that L-Glutamine really helps the carb cravings. It's an amino acid that is widespread throughout the body. Google it!
  • SwimSoccerTaxi
    SwimSoccerTaxi Posts: 98 Member
    I had to go Gluten Free due to Intolerance (and the pain/discomfort easily turned me off all products) however since this transition my carb cravings are GONE. I eat carbs, lots actually, but I never have that "I need them NOW" feeling....I get hungry....and I eat.

    Not suggesting you do a GF lifestyle however my kids are about 90% GF and they also find the desires gone (as well as many other benefits). Something to think about though.....

    Good luck!
  • Grazia23
    Grazia23 Posts: 2
    Since going on my healthy eating plan,(not a diet) I have been successful because I have not cut out carbs, just reduced them.
    I love pasta but only have a cup with a healthy sauce.
    I have had bread and cereal(not sugary) and finding it easier to lose weight but I exercise everyday.
    Good luck!
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    DO NOT!!! HEY i just dropped 20 lbs eating as many carbs as I wanted...I do not think that carb depleting is your me....its your gateway to temporary water weight loss and an unhealthy body and life! CARB up ALWAYS
    Kristian Rocco
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    Have a cheat day, where you enjoy that kind of stuff.
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Eat them in moderation while staying at or under your calorie goal.
  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    Instead of toast have 1/4 cup (uncooked) of oatmeal with cinnamon.

    Instead of rice or potatoes have Quinoa.

    If you are having a major sweet carb carb craving, have 1/4 cup of Cheerios (or similar) nibbled on one or two at a time or a small apple sliced with a little cinnamon sprinkled on the slices.

    The less carbs you eat, the less you will crave them. You will get to the point where you don't care for a lot of the things you used to love because the chemicals they send to your brain to make you crave more of them will be out of your body. Complex carbs from whole grains, beans, and vegetables are good carbs and your body will eventually crave those instead of the processed junk it's craving now.