Trying to lose weight... nutella vs peanut butter??



  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    Peanut butter, I like the planter's nutrition ones...they are yummy
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    I say mix 'em together and eat them both!!!


    this. lots of this.

    Screw peanut butter and jelly. I like peanut butter and nutella.
  • Myfitself101
    Myfitself101 Posts: 25 Member
    Nutella & Peanut Butter on rice cakes rocks my world.
  • Look for PB2 , it is powered peanut butter. Less fat and sugar. You add water and stir it to the consistency you prefer. I love it.

    I agree! If you can't find it in your local grocery stores, you can order it online at Amazon. It's so versatile - you can add it to smoothies, protein shakes, etc. A very good weight-loss option!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I am trying to lose weight but I have a hard time eating 1000 cal per day so I am thinking about adding nutella or peanut butter and I would like to hear from others the pros and cons of both.. thanks

    Wait. You're having a hard time getting to 1000 calories a day? Even if you made that it wouldn't be enough. Why are you making that your goal, just in case there's some super extraordinary thing I don't know?

    Because if he's morbidly obese you can SAFELY eat at a lower calorie. Not that you should but you can do it safely as long as your eating all healthy foods.
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    Peanut Butter and Co. White Chocolate Wonderful and Dark Chcolate Dreams. Natural peanut butter and super good taste. Nutella is crap (but tastes soooooo good).
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    I am trying to lose weight but I have a hard time eating 1000 cal per day so I am thinking about adding nutella or peanut butter and I would like to hear from others the pros and cons of both.. thanks

    Wait. You're having a hard time getting to 1000 calories a day? Even if you made that it wouldn't be enough. Why are you making that your goal, just in case there's some super extraordinary thing I don't know?

    Because if he's morbidly obese you can SAFELY eat at a lower calorie. Not that you should but you can do it safely as long as your eating all healthy foods.

    I just profile creeped though, and with 60 pounds to lose I wouldn't call that morbidly obese. So I am asking, not assuming, but barring something extraordinary that I don't know, no way should he be only eating 1000 calories.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    I am trying to lose weight but I have a hard time eating 1000 cal per day so I am thinking about adding nutella or peanut butter and I would like to hear from others the pros and cons of both.. thanks

    Wait. You're having a hard time getting to 1000 calories a day? Even if you made that it wouldn't be enough. Why are you making that your goal, just in case there's some super extraordinary thing I don't know?

    Because if he's morbidly obese you can SAFELY eat at a lower calorie. Not that you should but you can do it safely as long as your eating all healthy foods.

  • keri917
    keri917 Posts: 1 Member
    I have to admit both are fabulous but completely full of fat!!! Try PB2 if you must have this craving, otherwise find something else to fit this need.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    I have to admit both are fabulous but completely full of fat!!! Try PB2 if you must have this craving, otherwise find something else to fit this need.

  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    Nutella on bananas is heaven...
    Apples and oranges, here...But you're picking between sugar laden Jiffy peanut butter and nutella, not much difference. However, natural peanut butter is the clear choice.

    PB2 tastes like...chalk to me. I learned to not try and fool myself.
  • Lovetotest
    Lovetotest Posts: 7 Member
    How about full fat peanut butter with just peanuts and salt and melt some dark chocolate in the jar. MMMMM
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I eat natural peanut butter...

    IMHO, Nutella is a junk food and loaded with added sugar. I splurge on some junk food now and then, but Nutella really isn't my thing and not something I would want to have as a staple food in my diet (noun). Peanut butter is most definitely a staple food in my diet.
  • ksuetorres
    ksuetorres Posts: 139 Member
    I eat PB2 too. It's not Jif (what choosy mothers choose!) but for the calorie tradeoff it's great! I have it on rice cakes called Moon Pops that I buy at Kroger (made in store). They are like crunchy air -- 6 carbs and 16 calories each, about the size and shape of a large tortilla. When I mix the PB2 I had a sprinkle of Splenda and a glop of cinnamon. Delicious!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I have to admit both are fabulous but completely full of fat!!! Try PB2 if you must have this craving, otherwise find something else to fit this need.

    The '80s are over...fat doesn't make you fat. Your body needs fat...peanut butter has a lot of good, heart healthy fats that actually protect you against heart disease. Nutella is just a ton of added sugar...I always find it ironic that people are so wary of fruit and the sugar in fruit on this site...but Nutella seems to be an MFP favorite food.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    In summary can't really go too wrong with a nutrient dense, whole food like natural peanut butter. If you like, it's also really easy to make on your own at home and a lot cheaper than the all natural brand names at the grocery store. Some grocery stores have machines that you can make your own as well.
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    Why are you struggling to eat 1000? Have you tried little and often or adding the odd side dish to each meal e.g. a banana rather than an apple or an extra slice of bread?

    I would worry that if you can't eat 1000 cals you might find it hard to maintain a healthy balance.
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    Now you've done it. This is going to turn into a war thread, I can just feel it.

    Next time we can try discussing whether eggs should be opened on the small end or the big end.

    What!! Eggs should be opened in the middle! :laugh:

    Nutella is a dessert food--it is not at all a healthy food. The top ingredient is sugar. The jar doesn't even claim that it's healthy. It says to take a balanced breakfast & make it a tasty one by using it.

    If you are only eating 1000 calories, which is way too low for anyone other than a bariatric patient being monitored by a doctor, why would you waste calories on Nutella. You need to eat nutritious foods & take a handful of vitamins a day.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I am trying to lose weight but I have a hard time eating 1000 cal per day so I am thinking about adding nutella or peanut butter and I would like to hear from others the pros and cons of both.. thanks

    Wait. You're having a hard time getting to 1000 calories a day? Even if you made that it wouldn't be enough. Why are you making that your goal, just in case there's some super extraordinary thing I don't know?

    Because if he's morbidly obese you can SAFELY eat at a lower calorie. Not that you should but you can do it safely as long as your eating all healthy foods.

    I just profile creeped though, and with 60 pounds to lose I wouldn't call that morbidly obese. So I am asking, not assuming, but barring something extraordinary that I don't know, no way should he be only eating 1000 calories.

    It's his diet not yours, doesn't matter why he's doing it. He just wants to know peanut butter or nutella, answer the question or move on.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I am trying to lose weight but I have a hard time eating 1000 cal per day so I am thinking about adding nutella or peanut butter and I would like to hear from others the pros and cons of both.. thanks

    Wait. You're having a hard time getting to 1000 calories a day? Even if you made that it wouldn't be enough. Why are you making that your goal, just in case there's some super extraordinary thing I don't know?

    Because if he's morbidly obese you can SAFELY eat at a lower calorie. Not that you should but you can do it safely as long as your eating all healthy foods.

    YES and I'm NOT encouraging him to do it I'm just saying he can do it. Not to mention he has his reasons and didn't ask if he should do it or not, the question was Nutella or Peanut Butter, so again answer the question or move on