Running & Leg Training - Recovery??

Hi all,

I really picked up my fitness regime about 8 months ago, doing loads of cardio, HIIT training, and weights and have lost about 10lbs. I'd still like to lose another 5lbs - 6lbs so signed up for a 10k in 4 weeks. I've been running 4 miles about 3 times a week, but can't give up my weights sessions, I love the next day burn too much! I'm finding it harder to keep my running up because my legs are constantly sore from weights sessions. Does anyone have any tips on quicker muscle recovery, or just easing the pain so I can keep up both? Or even legs exercises to help running and not hinder it? Thanks!


  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Stretching well after running is a good call. Consider for your training period a "maintenance" approach to lifting. Don't add weight at this time. Stick with your current ability. You can get back on board with increasing weight after you cut back on the running. Maybe consider dropping the number of days you lift. And, lastly make sure you give yourself at least one FULL rest day each week!! Muscles need some downtown to recover properly. Other than that, massage works wonders after a hard run!! :-)
  • MandiJessica23
    MandiJessica23 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks hun! Think the TLC on my legs afterwards is definately what I'm lacking! xx
  • EKN1417
    EKN1417 Posts: 34 Member
    I had the same issue for a while, and I found a way around out by scheduling my workouts in a kind of unorthodox way. I would do weights in the AM and run in the PM. The DOMS from my lifting session wouldn't set in until the day after, so I wasn't too sore to run if i I did it that night. I made sure to keep at least an 8 hour gap in between my two daily workouts as not to compromise my energy for lifting or running. Then, rest your legs the next day totally. Either do an upper body only lifting session OR take the day off. Make sure you are giving yourself at least 1 day off frome everything (except for maybe light yoga or walking) per week.

    Also- BCAAs have helped me a lot with muscle soreness.
  • missADS1981
    missADS1981 Posts: 364 Member
    do you take anything post workout? like BCAAs or amino complex?

    i also love taking a bath with epsom salt after a heavy leg day to relax the muscles too.

    try adding in a post workout amino to help with recovery.