Sorry I have to vent...



  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I'm pretty lucky... I live in Canada and my healthcare is paid for, over and above that the company I work for gives me additional benefits to cover Chiropractor, Optometrist, Physio, Acupucture, Prescription drugs and full dental coverage, they give me an additional $1500 toward Health/Life spending, this covers fitness equipment, Sports equipment, Club memberships, or Personal Trainer, Gym memberships etc. So in some cases there are people/businesses that have put a value on our fitness and health. More places should get on board with this philosophy.

    You won't feel so lucky when you need some diagnostics tests if you get cancer and it takes nine months to get them.

    Im confused by this statement, my Mother went through this issue last summer and didn't have any issues with diagnostics or anything else for that matter, she was cared for quickly, her tests and imaging were all complete and her tumour removed within a month . Your comment is rude and uncalled for, I'm astonished by your lack of compassion.

    Maybe hers went well, but I have friends who couldn't get simple diagnostics done because of the screwed up government run system. Their cancer festered in that time and they died shortly after their tests revealed a massive tumor. I have plenty of compassion for the people suffering under and ineffective government run healthcare system, and I wasn't trying to be rude. Soon you won't be able to come here either because our system is going the same way. All I'm saying is I wouldn't be so thankful because your government decided to run your health system.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    pretty soon we will have government mandated "state" uniforms to wear, maybe even have our tounges cut out if we talk negative about our government... this mandated health care, forcing americans to purchase a product is just one more reason to fear the idea of a socialist society. pretty soon we will live like north korea, and have absolutely no control over our own lives. taxing us into not drinking soda? really? how about, i dont murder, i dont steal, and i follow the laws of the land, and thats it... freedom? what freedom? its slowly being taken from me... i buy health insurance because i want health insurance... that should be my choice...

    and i will graciously bow out of this now, because all it does it get me upset...
    Did you read the same original post as I? I didn't read anything about government mandated anything.

    he mentioned that if people can afford putting money into a car and other things like that, why not put it into health experts. thats the same song and dance obama has made trying to sell us that the idea of the government mandating its citizens to buy health insurance is more important than what the individual wants to do with their own money that they make. ofcourse, if your on welfare, you will get free healthcare, but for those who work, our government feels they know best where your money should be spent. so, thats what i took from his post, and thats where my comments came from. <end> so, now that i answered your question, now im bowing out...
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    You sound incredibly privileged, OP. Yes, eating and exercising as well as you can is always a good idea. But far more factors than laziness go into the reasons why people don't. To assign it all to just plain not wanting to is sheltered. It shows a lack of comprehension of the nuanced and comprehensive larger issues.


    There is a difference between something that is important and something that is urgent. Paying the bills, caring for the kids, those are important and urgent. I can't neglect them for any time at all without serious consequences. If I chose to, I could neglect my health for a very long time before paying a serious penalty.
    It's easy to see how people run out of time/energy/resources taking care of the things that are both important and urgent instead of those things they can put off in the short run.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    So how many of us would use the Doctor as often as we do if health insurance didn't exist? People use them on a regular basis because they are covered on a health insurance program....What ever happened to walking or riding a bike (for most of us) Better on your health and saving the environment!

    Riding a bike through four inches of snow for twenty miles is not my idea of a happy commute. In the summer, it's still dangerous because we don't have bike paths along the busy, four-lane roads near my office. Our city's bus system sucks and doesn't go anywhere near my office, so walking is not an option either. Believe me, I'd LOVE to be able to use public transit and/or bike everywhere, but in this town, I can't. If we move to Chicago or another metro area with decent public transit, I'll ditch my car in a hot second.

    I don't feel the need to pay for a nutritionist. I can educate myself just fine, and I have. I read about nutrition almost every single day. When I have a question, I Google it and look for links from reliable sources (i.e. not "Natural News", Dr Oz, etc). Exercise is free too. I don't need a gym membership. I have hand weights, a yoga mat, and lots of YouTube videos and DVDs I can use at home. If I couldn't afford all of those items (which cost about $40 total), I'd walk (I lost 40 pounds five years ago just by walking for an hour every night).

    People don't have to spend money to be healthy. If they are sick, then of course they should see a doctor, but exercising and eating better doesn't require medical care unless you want blood work done to check your cholesterol, etc.
  • Amie_Girl
    Amie_Girl Posts: 80 Member
    I'm pretty lucky... I live in Canada and my healthcare is paid for, over and above that the company I work for gives me additional benefits to cover Chiropractor, Optometrist, Physio, Acupucture, Prescription drugs and full dental coverage, they give me an additional $1500 toward Health/Life spending, this covers fitness equipment, Sports equipment, Club memberships, or Personal Trainer, Gym memberships etc. So in some cases there are people/businesses that have put a value on our fitness and health. More places should get on board with this philosophy.

    Yeah but you guys have crap health care compared to the US. Having just gone thru cancer, I can tell you that my Canadian BC sisters did not have 1/2 of the freedom and options I had in the US. I am self insured. It's costly, but I do not ***** and complain, because I can go to any dr I want and usually will be seen within a week. Freedom is about choice, I don't want some aholes in washington deciding what's acceptable for reconstruction. Um no thanks.

    I have to vent about this vent. Why are you so overfilled with anger about what other people do? You were so upset you had to vent it out? Get a real problem dude.

    I've had the pleasure of private US healthcare (expensive!!) and Canadian healthcare (free) and I found the Canadian healthcare to be much better in all areas. See a doctor in about a week?!?! No way. I call for a doctor, I see him/her that day or the very next day. My friend just went through breast cancer. She had no private healthcare and the government of Alberta paid for all of it. I think all she paid was 20% for her prescriptions. She was always pushed to the front of the line for doctor visits and tests. No, having experienced both, I would much rather have my Canadian healthcare than a private HMO.
  • treehugger50
    treehugger50 Posts: 3 Member
    Your Dietitian is covered. Get a referral from your Doctor :) Ya to be Canadian!
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    I'm pretty lucky... I live in Canada and my healthcare is paid for, over and above that the company I work for gives me additional benefits to cover Chiropractor, Optometrist, Physio, Acupucture, Prescription drugs and full dental coverage, they give me an additional $1500 toward Health/Life spending, this covers fitness equipment, Sports equipment, Club memberships, or Personal Trainer, Gym memberships etc. So in some cases there are people/businesses that have put a value on our fitness and health. More places should get on board with this philosophy.

    And your tax rate is????
  • NamibianRose
    NamibianRose Posts: 151 Member
    pretty soon we will have government mandated "state" uniforms to wear, maybe even have our tounges cut out if we talk negative about our government... this mandated health care, forcing americans to purchase a product is just one more reason to fear the idea of a socialist society. pretty soon we will live like north korea, and have absolutely no control over our own lives. taxing us into not drinking soda? really? how about, i dont murder, i dont steal, and i follow the laws of the land, and thats it... freedom? what freedom? its slowly being taken from me... i buy health insurance because i want health insurance... that should be my choice...

    and i will graciously bow out of this now, because all it does it get me upset...

    I have a hard time relating your two posts to the original post. OP was ranting about how people don't mind spending a lot of money on their posessions but not on their health. What does that have to do with being an American and not wanting the government to force you to buy health care or "mandated state uniforms" or socialism? He's questioning how people CHOOSE to spend their money. He never said we should be forced to spend our money on our health, he's wondering why people don't value their health over their material possessions. How that makes you get into rant about a socialist party completely blows my mind.

    **edit for spelling
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Because a massage therapist, personal trainer, nutritionist, aren't going to get me to work in the morning. The car, gas, and insurance will. I'd love to have plenty of disposable income, but I don't. So I stick with paying for the things that keep me employed, housed and fed. :huh:
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    pretty soon we will have government mandated "state" uniforms to wear, maybe even have our tounges cut out if we talk negative about our government... this mandated health care, forcing americans to purchase a product is just one more reason to fear the idea of a socialist society. pretty soon we will live like north korea, and have absolutely no control over our own lives. taxing us into not drinking soda? really? how about, i dont murder, i dont steal, and i follow the laws of the land, and thats it... freedom? what freedom? its slowly being taken from me... i buy health insurance because i want health insurance... that should be my choice...

    and i will graciously bow out of this now, because all it does it get me upset...

    I have a hard time relating your two posts to the original post. OP was ranting about how people don't mind spending a lot of money on their posessions but not on their health. What does that have to do with being an American and not wanting the government to force you to buy health care or "mandated state uniforms" or socialism? He's questioning how people CHOOSE to spend their money. He never said we should be forced to spend our money on our health, he's wondering why people don't value their health over their material possessions. How that makes you get into rant about a socialist party completely blows my mind.

    **edit for spelling

    *scroll back, question already answered :)
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I realize this might "ruffle some feathers" but I have to get this off my chest. :grumble:

    Why is it that people will set aside large sums of money on a monthly basis to make car payments, car insurance payments, gasoline; yet when it comes t investing in their health everyone thinks it is an "extra" expense? Are we that dense as a society that we will pay hundreds of dollars to mechanics to fix our cars that cost us tens of thousands of dollars, yet when it comes to investing in our health through nutrition and exercise we don't value our BODIES enough to bring them to an expert? Do we REALLY value our possessions more than ourselves? Looking at things from a logical point of view, in the long run; nutritionists, physical therapists, massage therapists, chiropractors and personal trainers should be seen as MORE of a necessary expense than some of the things society deems "necessary". Seem to me we, as a society, have our priorities screwed up.

    /end rant.

    Maybe you are lucky enough to live in a city with lots of public transportation and don't need a car. maybe you live with your parents and don't have to pay a mortgage, or have a very wealthy partner. For many people, having a way to get to work and a roof over their heads must take priority, and for lots of people, after those necessities, there isn't enough left to visit a slew of health care professionals.

    Also, I don't need to pay any experts to help me be healthy, unless I get sick. Chiropractors are BS (sorry if i offended anyone but my bro-in-law was one, and even he says its a bunch of bull). Nutritionists might be helpful if you have a specific issue, but for most of us a little smart online research is enough. Massage Therapists? are you KIDDING ME? Unless there is a real specific issue/injury that needs to be dealt with, massage is a luxury. If you think a massage is more important than a car payment for someone who needs a car... well... i think it's you who needs to take a look at priorities.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    :laugh: Oh, OP... unchecked privileged much? Just take care of yourself and don't worry yourself about others.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    I'm pretty lucky... I live in Canada and my healthcare is paid for, over and above that the company I work for gives me additional benefits to cover Chiropractor, Optometrist, Physio, Acupucture, Prescription drugs and full dental coverage, they give me an additional $1500 toward Health/Life spending, this covers fitness equipment, Sports equipment, Club memberships, or Personal Trainer, Gym memberships etc. So in some cases there are people/businesses that have put a value on our fitness and health. More places should get on board with this philosophy.

    And your tax rate is????

    Don't know what their tax rate is but their dollar is stronger than the US.

    BTW for the folks that wanted to politicize this discussion, do you know what country is consistently rated as having the best Health Care system in the world?

    Answer: Israel. The US System is actually far behind, our life expectancy isn't even in the top 10. So for those promoting how great our healthcare system is in the US, you're blinded by nationalism and myth. Only in America, where the richest country in the world can't even ensure that all of our citizens (working class, poor, elderly, upper class, you name it) receive basic standards of care would we consider our health care system a good model to follow. American arrogance at its finest.

    Finally, for the record Israel has 100% Government socialized healthcare.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I'm pretty lucky... I live in Canada and my healthcare is paid for, over and above that the company I work for gives me additional benefits to cover Chiropractor, Optometrist, Physio, Acupucture, Prescription drugs and full dental coverage, they give me an additional $1500 toward Health/Life spending, this covers fitness equipment, Sports equipment, Club memberships, or Personal Trainer, Gym memberships etc. So in some cases there are people/businesses that have put a value on our fitness and health. More places should get on board with this philosophy.

    You won't feel so lucky when you need some diagnostics tests if you get cancer and it takes nine months to get them.

    Im confused by this statement, my Mother went through this issue last summer and didn't have any issues with diagnostics or anything else for that matter, she was cared for quickly, her tests and imaging were all complete and her tumour removed within a month . Your comment is rude and uncalled for, I'm astonished by your lack of compassion.

    He doesn;t lack compassion. And I will tell you straight up that my Canadian BC sisters waited LONGER for tests than I did in the US, Plus I had far better choices for reconstruction. The ones with money come here for surgery.

    I hope your mom's OK.

    I live in Alberta, my experience may be different than other Canadians, the different provinces do vary in healthcare. I can't speak for what happens in BC. My statement wasn't about healthcare in Canada per say. I had a statement that since my healthcare is paid for I'm lucky I don't have to worry about putting aside money to cover a neccesity like that. My statement was focussed on that my Company I work for took it upon themselves to offer a benefit to it's employees by paying for fitness related items and that it would be terrific if all places offered such care. A dual statement connecting the importance of healthcare which my AB Healthcare pays for (I've had 7 surgeries, all quick, efficient and came out perfect) together with my companies mandate to provide fitness related subsidy is wonderful. And I am lucky. I can't believe anyone attacked this statement. I wonder if it would have been attacked had I just said that I'm lucky to have my healthcare covered and my work pays for fitness. Mentioning Canada seemed to be a drop of blood in the water. My Mom is in remission. Thank you.
  • jessicawrites
    jessicawrites Posts: 235 Member
    I spend money on a car and gasoline because A. I want to live somewhere where I feel safe, B. That means I need to afford a certain rent, C. The job I work to make this safe living possible is 16 miles away along a major highway. Theoretically, yes, I could take a bus, but it would add 60-90 minutes each way to my commute, which I am not willing to take on unnecessarily. I drive, also, because biking or walking to and from work is not feasible (see "major highway," earlier).

    I'm confused why the OP thinks he has the right to put out a blanket criticism of what for many people is a necessary expense in favor of what is, truly, a discretionary one. The area I've chosen to live in (and made possible in part by having a car at my disposal) has a park and an inexpensive gym nearby that are pleasures to exercise in. How do I get there? I drive...
  • jsickman12
    jsickman12 Posts: 139 Member
    I agree with this, with one exception, chiropractors? Those guys are quacks, not real doctors....just saying
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I realize this might "ruffle some feathers" but I have to get this off my chest. :grumble:

    Why is it that people will set aside large sums of money on a monthly basis to make car payments, car insurance payments, gasoline; yet when it comes t investing in their health everyone thinks it is an "extra" expense? Are we that dense as a society that we will pay hundreds of dollars to mechanics to fix our cars that cost us tens of thousands of dollars, yet when it comes to investing in our health through nutrition and exercise we don't value our BODIES enough to bring them to an expert? Do we REALLY value our possessions more than ourselves? Looking at things from a logical point of view, in the long run; nutritionists, physical therapists, massage therapists, chiropractors and personal trainers should be seen as MORE of a necessary expense than some of the things society deems "necessary". Seem to me we, as a society, have our priorities screwed up.

    /end rant.

    I agree!

    But it took a health scare for me to truly see the light!

    I don't think most people realize that health is wealth...without good health the quality of your life plummets.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    pretty soon we will have government mandated "state" uniforms to wear, maybe even have our tounges cut out if we talk negative about our government... this mandated health care, forcing americans to purchase a product is just one more reason to fear the idea of a socialist society. pretty soon we will live like north korea, and have absolutely no control over our own lives. taxing us into not drinking soda? really? how about, i dont murder, i dont steal, and i follow the laws of the land, and thats it... freedom? what freedom? its slowly being taken from me... i buy health insurance because i want health insurance... that should be my choice...

    and i will graciously bow out of this now, because all it does it get me upset...

    i'm sorry, just lol.
  • MrsTorresisBACK
    MrsTorresisBACK Posts: 98 Member
    i get what you are saying but for my family a car ='s transporation to work ='s make $$ to pay bills and home expenses. So car payments, gas, insurance etc is a given not an option for us. Therefore, I simply opt for a more frugal way and work out at home to DVD's, Wii, Ride Bike, etc. Health is still just as important to me...
  • NamibianRose
    NamibianRose Posts: 151 Member
    pretty soon we will have government mandated "state" uniforms to wear, maybe even have our tounges cut out if we talk negative about our government... this mandated health care, forcing americans to purchase a product is just one more reason to fear the idea of a socialist society. pretty soon we will live like north korea, and have absolutely no control over our own lives. taxing us into not drinking soda? really? how about, i dont murder, i dont steal, and i follow the laws of the land, and thats it... freedom? what freedom? its slowly being taken from me... i buy health insurance because i want health insurance... that should be my choice...

    and i will graciously bow out of this now, because all it does it get me upset...

    I have a hard time relating your two posts to the original post. OP was ranting about how people don't mind spending a lot of money on their posessions but not on their health. What does that have to do with being an American and not wanting the government to force you to buy health care or "mandated state uniforms" or socialism? He's questioning how people CHOOSE to spend their money. He never said we should be forced to spend our money on our health, he's wondering why people don't value their health over their material possessions. How that makes you get into rant about a socialist party completely blows my mind.

    **edit for spelling

    *scroll back, question already answered :)

    I don't see how you answered how OP leads to a rant about the government. He never implied anything about the government forcing you to do anything. You brought that up all by yourself, then continued on about mandated "state" uniforms, which really has nothing to do with anything OP was saying.